Tobacco Mosasic Virus or just sickly?

This seems like a lot of variegation. And the plant next to it is starting to show also.

Is this curable? I hope its not tmv.


Reminds me of thrip damage a bit. I just dealt with them for the first time and also thought the damage I saw was TMV.

Do you see any little critters anywhere?


Look at underside of leaf prob feces little black specks

If its thrips you will see little yellow nymphs running around using the veins of the leaves like a highway.This looks like TMV or some other virus to me.Had one of my frankies do it i culled it.Plant was bug free.


Yeah im not seeing any bugs. Ill have to check more.


Interesting, hope you were right but thrips damage are more like scratches in the surface, this looks like tissue affected, here’s an example of HLVD:

here thrips damage:


and here TMV:

If another near plant has been contaminated makes me think about some of those viruses. I’m afraid they cannot be cured and must take precautions like tossing the plant and desinfect all the tools used. Here’s more info:


Yeah I dont see any bugs any where. And that looks more like what I have.

I really dont want toss the plants completely til I know. I guess ill move them to a bedroom.


Buenas tardes, George!

This is some of the damage I saw on my plants.

This is the negative TMV test results.


Where did you get those test strips?Do they check for HLVD as well? @Mr.Christmas

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I got them off of Agdia:

I chose them off a recommendation from UMass:

They don’t seem to have an affordable test for HLVD quite yet though.


Muy buenas tardes man beer3|nullxnull, good for you, I am not saying it is, just giving info and pics so the OP can compare and look for it. Just being a possibility is enough to take precautions and a good look as it can spread to the rest of the plants. Never like to give bad notices, just want people to have healthy and good looking plants …


I have had a fungus gnat issue the last few weeks. Could that have anything to do with it?

Outside of it spreading a virus.

Has tobacco mosaic virus infection ever actually been confirmed on cannabis plants? I know there’s been a lot of speculation it can infect cannabis. But I’ve never seen it confirmed by test yet. I may have just missed it though.

“ Although there are no cases of TMV infecting cannabis or hemp plants in the literature, many growers suspect TMV in plants that develop a mosaic-like pattern of discoloration on the leaves that cannot be attributed to nutrient deficiencies. Our team has screened several suspected TMV plants only to find Hop Latent Viroid. While this does not rule out the possibility of TMV infecting cannabis and hemp plants, we have not been able to confirm an infection, yet.”


I personally think it’s variegation from moisture differences and pH differences. This happens a lot for me if I put plants in a certain part of my veg tent. They’ve all grown out of it and been totally fine for me, but that doesn’t mean anything. Thinking low light, high humidity and maybe even next to a fan or air return may be a cause for me? Curious. Either way, I think food and time will make that go away. Obviously check for bugs but I wouldn’t panic about a virus right now. Is it close to being rootbound?


Im working with extremely rare 2009 Sour Bubble seeds. These things are irreplaceable. The veg area has gotten completely overgrown because im taking multiple clones of all males and females. Trying to make sure I didnt lose anything. The irony.

This project involves SLH and Lemon G. And I had to purchase the SLH from a nursery.

Im not accepting outside clones ever again after this probably.

I have seen new growth that looked better. And they seem fairly decent otherwise. One does look a little bummed out but Im figuring its other factors.


This honestly could be the same thing for me. This side of the tent hasnt been getting super great ventilation. And the humidity has been all over the place this summer.

Damn I really hope things get figured out.

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It’s as harmful and contagious as TMV, so not a good notice if you discover it …

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Can you post more pics?

Experiments performed by the Medicinal Genomics team showed that leafhoppers, which are known vectors for beet curly top virus and lettuce chlorosis virus, may also have the ability to spread HLVd. When leafhoppers feed on plants, they ingest infected plant sap, which can then be transmitted to their next meal.

I don’t know if fungus gnats can also be vectors of transmission, check this out …


I’ll grab a few shots of plants I’ve got experiencing the same thing. A whole plant shot would be super helpful. My opinion is feed micros a bit harder


For sure, was showing you the result to demonstrate that my case resulted in confirmed negative results on 3 different plants. To me, my symptoms looked like TMV. They spread to other plants lke a viroid would, and I had hypothesized that the thrips attacked the host plant due to its weakened state and then spread the viroid as they spread throughout the tents.

But the results were negative…

Could it have been another virus? Sure. I emailed Tumi with those pictures and a few more. This was his response:

Hello Mr. Christmas, love the name!

My name is Alfonso and I am one of the scientists here at Tumi. Sorry to see that your plants are infected with what to me looks like a virus or/and viroid. My guess is Hop Latent Viroid. I been in the exact same position with my personal grow in my house. You could spend weeks or months trying to figure out what is the problem but in almost all cases the solution is to get rid of any plants showing symptoms or any plants that share the same space as the “sick” plants. Viruses or viroids are not something you could get rid by spraying some chemical on the infected plants. So not sure if is worse your time and money to diagnose the exact pathogen.

My recommendation will be to get rid of the plants if possible and conduct a deep cleaning of your growing area using bleach on all surfaces including the detachable floor from your tent. Also bleach very well your tools such as clippers and do not reuse anything that came in contact with the “sick” plants. For example do not re-use the soil or compost your sick plants. Bleach floors or any surfaces that may have been contaminated. If you grow in plastic pots make sure they are bleached well. I personally use the cloth pots which I bleached and wash very well before re-using them. Also throw away all plant debris in your grow because whatever this pathogen could spread this way. Start fresh and with all new or bleached stuff.

Then when you get the new plants make sure that whoever are giving them to you that they have tested them for Hop Latent Viroid. We have several costumers in the UK that get together to buy and send samples to us. Also if you buy the 10 minimum they last for a long time (1 year in the fridge) so you could start using them as you go.

Let me know if you have any other questions

TL;DR he thinks it was HLVD, recommended I just chuck the plants and clean up, which I’ve done on all my mothers. I knew I couldn’t keep the plants that I was suspicious about, because then any new issue in the garden; my mind would automatically assume it was a virus again.