My first cultivation please comment. Right or wrong?

Looking nice!


Leaves down mean either not enough oxygen in the roots, too hot of a light or room, or massive temp fluctuations.

This is my grow

Notice the leaves.



Damn this ur first grow! Ur doing good and 2 start it off with hydro. Hats off 2 u. I remember my first grow it was just OK. Untill I listened 2 some so called buddy’s and things started going haywire. That is not the case here the OGers r giving u sound advice. Great peeps here! Thank u for sharing with us. Since the right corner is taken, I’m gonna sit and watch from the left. Keep up the good work…:sunglasses:


I think it looks good. Give yourself a nice :raised_back_of_hand:. It’s a little late to push them for much more. 0-0-0. Depending on what week. The last two is what I work on. N yes but for me I tend to push to had. The 7 week is something I have problems with. Welcome

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I like the water black. B52 and Nevanna works great. I love the stuff. Looks like coffee. Cal mag is good for your plants. Their are so many kinds out there.

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Thank you for your words. I am already preparing popcorn for you thank you for your visit to the growbox.


Thank you I’m happy. I am pleased with your words. The girls are 51 days old

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I check the temperatures every day, even with the roots. Everything was alright. The problem was that there was a strong wind coming from the fan and the girls didn’t like it. :grinning:


I’ve never seen a fan cause drooping but ok. Only thing a fan will cause is a snapped stem.

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You helped me a lot with the adjustment of the PH, the leaves are now praying for the light again. Thank you sir.


Glad to hear that!

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You stand on the shoulders of a helluva a lot of great growers. You’ve learned well, and applied what you’ve learned!


Do you have a up-date I have followed you from the start to learn