Can I get expert input

I’d love more well versed opinion. To start- my medium, I made coco/pearlie (2 part )/Dr earth soil (1 part to hold water)
Cow manuer/lobster meal.
I don’t use cal mag . My bottom fan leaves are bigger than my hand but they hang /droop .
Are they just too heavy or is it a lockout or
deficiency? They sprouted 12 /22 , they are about 22 in tall, 5 gallon


What’s your vpd at? I’d start there and maybe it might be overwatered?

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Now it’s at about 1.47 . I’m working at 82.9f 61.8 rh. Working on bringing down the temp a bit but my new section has a bar light & 8 side lights.
It seems to like high 70s /80s .
Low 70s growth was lagging for some reason , even with vpd at .91

Leaf color/health look great. Don’t worry about it.

What’s the NPK?

When you water make sure you get a good runoff to avoid dry channels.

Recommend MicroKote treated pots so you get a dense fibrous root system with no root spin out.


Get at least a 15* differential between day/night temps. Mine are running around 84/64F or about 20F difference.



I did a soil test , soil is at 6.0 , def gonna consider the mircokote when having to repot, looks very beneficial.
I actually tested a mix nutirent , . Used bio bizz /gh . Bio gro / gh micro /bloom … no ph pen unfortunately

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The lower leaves may be drooping to absorb light.
It maybe shaded and may have found reflective light pointing in that direction.
Check out phototropism for more info on how plants can move themseves in such a way to make the best of the light they are given.
For an example of this just look at the leaf stem above the big leaf, it is curving up toward the light and is most likely taking the bulk of the photons before they get to the lower leaf.

The leaf itself looks very healthy so I suggest you do not make any changes.
Well, this is a good idea… :star_struck:

Those are good temps.
Not much lower than 70 not much higher than 80.
I personally like 80-85 but above 80 things need to be dialed in.

That would be the first thing I check if you start having issues.
But you look fantastic at the moment. :wink:


Looking a bit further into things here…
Keep an eye on those little white spots on the leaves.
This could be a sign of a possible pest.

A preventative foliar spray may not be a bad idea as an isurance policy.
I don’t mean to make you parinoid here, this is just a maybe at best.
But keep you eyes peeled for more signs on the plant.


Will do! definitely will consider a light foliar spray , preventing is better than the cure you are right. :relaxed: I haven’t seen any I try to use the zoom on my phone .
My vision isn’t the best either

Thanks :muscle:t4::blush: looking for some microkote to throw in my Amazon cart

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And it is a pretty heavy fan leaf for a bottom .the rest are firm and poking up at the light so I didn’t want to change too much but will consider a light foliar spray also just in case. I just moved them to veg in the bigger tent with more light & space ,being it stretches extremely wide

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No idea about your problem, but just wanted to say the name make me laugh.

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Glad you like my name🤣. I think when Ricky Spanish was on lsd and they played electric feel by mgmt , I couldn’t get over it


I thought Ricky Spanish was a character from American dad, one of Rogers alter ego’s :rofl:

That’s exactly who it is :rofl::rofl:that’s my show. I meant when Roger was Ricky Spanish on lsd & they played mgmt -electric feel , I was laughing for hrs.
In fact when I take :mushroom:, mgmt electric feel is my mood booster :rofl::rofl:


Typical of cannabis snake oil foods, never can get what I need, a soil analysis.

Don’t fret over pH unless it is wackdoodle. That’s noob stuff.

This what I’m using now and have been for many years. All you do is water and sit back and relax. Osmocote Indoor-Outdoor Plus, 8-9 month.

Current garden My gardening drills, the easy way....and a Help Desk if you're "needy" LOL. Questions? Fire away, I'm here to help. | International Cannagraphic Magazine Forums

A few on Jan. 8, am sexing them now.


That looks fine, some varieties have longer leaf stems and are more droopy
, especially around the base, If the top leaves are ‘praying’ to the light then it’s not a problem. Some plants like purple kush for example are just droopy.

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I actually noticed after further inspection today, that all the phenos have the exact same trait , male was also a Og cross which is why they’re growing short and wide. And all have the big "see-saw "branch structure at the bottom .it shouldn’t be environmental because my other plants don’t have the same trait. Thanks for the help💪🏽 to u &everyone