My Latest Adventure

So… I hit my first deer today… it was a doe in Indiana.

Some of you may have read some posts by me mentioning a new house guest and possibly a rescue (not sure if I let that detail out). Well, it went down today. A dear friend of my wife and myself has been stuck in Indiana in a mentally abusive relationship for awhile now. She had no friends there to turn to, his jealousy drove her to break ties with long time friends, he threatened to kill himself and her if she left, etc. Never got physical, but still bad news.

All the pieces fell together to arrive between 3 and 4 am central and grab her out. We got there at 3:45. Killed all the lights, backed in and parked by 3:46. Everything loaded in our vehicle and out the drive way by 3:50. Perfect execution… until 3 turns and 3 minutes later Bambi decided to crest the hill at the same time as me and stare me down as my car shoulder checked her ass back down the hill. Bambi lived, car has a black eye, and we got our friend safely home.

Oh and it’s my 6 year anniversary today too. Our friend and a damn good dinner was her anniversary gifts lol.

30 hours on the road, up for 40 now… gonna try and upload some pics of the car and Kentucky and Tennessee.


Good that youre all safe…

Wifey hit a fawn the other morning on her way to work… Not hard but enough to scare the literal shit out of it and onto the license plate


I would say the car got off very lucky. If that had been a moose would have been a whole different story.


I know it might be because I’m a foreiigner, and high at 553am, but that freeway sign is pretty confusing, imo. :slight_smile:

When I was there I went from the airport to Nashville & back…no tour.



Lol, takes some getting used to. The wife doesn’t understand em either.
Basically the left 3 lanes go straight to stay on 24 eastbound to link up to 40 eastbound. The right lane turns off of 24 eastbound to join 65 southbound which links you up to 40 westbound. The second lane from the right can go either way. :grin:

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I LOVE Tennessee! Especially Memphis! One of my favorite cities in the world.

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Glad to hear everyone made out ok… I’ve hit a deer before and it wrote off a brand new 3/4 ton chev truck… i would not want to hit a moose…

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@Meesh, I love driving through, never stopped much though. Last 2 times I drove through it was a quick pick up and go. No time for sight seeing. I will say the 5 and 6% grades on twisting, winding roads at 1 am were quite exhilarating and really wake you up lol.

@rob0781, thankfully I couldnt have been doing more than 25, probably only 15, since I was creating a hill in pitch dark. I’m a flat lander… we dont like blind drops or corners lol. If we would have totaled the car I would have been more worried about the now ex showing up to claim his girl than the car or even how we were getting home. I couldnt imagine hitting a moose or even hitting that doe at 50.

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If i was in your position the ex showing up would have been my worry as well… Thankfully you got her out of that toxic situation and hoping he doesn’t track her down… There are some pretty messed up people in this world.


Not too worried about the last part. He’s more of a heat of the moment type person, and even if he came down here I’m on my home turf with stand your ground laws. We were honestly more worried about him hurting himself if we were caught, but with guns, stress, and that level of mental instability and insecurity, anything could really happen. He liked to play the “I’ll kill myself card” and made “jokes” about murder-suicide.

She says he really isn’t a bad guy, just bad insecurities and jealousy. Was slowly cutting her off from all of her friends by driving her to cut ties just so she didn’t have to deal with his questions and accusations about people that were hundreds of miles away and she hadn’t seen in years. The closest people she had were 4 hours away. We were 12-15 depending on traffic.


Kinda sounds like he has some mental health issues… it is good she got out because honestly who knows if its just talk or if he could have possibly acted out on what he was saying. Very good of you to get her out of that mess.


Good to leave the goons behind.

Good friend you are.


I thank you and your wife on behalf of women everywhere for rescuing her from that scary situation. No one deserves to be treated like that. I am also relieved to hear that she left him and didn’t end up with battered woman syndrome and end up dead from staying. I once dated a detective who told me when he was a patrol cop domestic situations like that were the most dangerous calls they received as matters of the heart make people even more crazy than usual. Just keep an eye out for this guy, you may think he is just spur of the moment guy, but he could be extremely dangerous and unpredictable. I’d set my dog on him if he shows up and call the police.


Yea, I’m still keeping an eye on him through facebook. He went to work the very next day. Lots of “I dont understand” and “please be a dream/come back to me/pleading” posts. The biggest protection is really just distance. 850 miles of it. Our location is only generally known. Would be pretty hard to track us directly. As outside of our direct family (my wife and I, friends family only have general area) there are only 3 people who know where we live in anything more precise than a 300 sq mile metropolitan area, and he doesn’t know any of them. He is probably the only person she has ever dated that has absolutely no connection to a single person who knows her, or us, in more than passing. Her phone is off, no manner of tracking her any more precise either.

She’s like a sister to both my wife and I, completely independent of each other. My wife and I barely talked at the time we built our friendships with her. I also grew up in a lot of abusive households (mom has shit taste in men outside of my father and they were just better as friends than partners), so I recognize many of the signs and wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

This whole thing has been in some stage of planning for a year now, and honestly wouldn’t have gotten off the ground yet if it weren’t for another good friend that pitched in towards the funding of the trip. Everything just kinda fell into place. The boyfriends mom was house sitting for a week, the roommate is fairly crippled (losing toes to diabetes), the boyfriend works 2am to 9am, her daughter was already down this way for the summer, my step daughter is the same (same area as the other girl), our twins were watched my my mother in law, my wife finished her classes for the summer, our other friend had a few hundred extra on her check she could spare, and I’m a rideshare driver so I choose when to work.



Even creeps have feelings… :smile:


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Wow… I actually didnt realize how much really had to come together for us to pull this off until I wrote it all out… lol


hopefully this is a much needed wakeup call for that guy, he really needs to work on self improvement before he enters another relationship

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You are a great friend to do what u did 4 her. I hope she knows she’s pretty blessed to have a friendship like that!!!