My New Little Tent Grow

Thanks for the nice words.

It’s update time.

At this point in time, based on the flower development, I doubt this plant will take 75 days to ripen. It’s at about 40 some odd days or so now. 35 more days appears unlikely.
My guesstimate is 60 to 65 days. I’ll start to check the trichs probably late next week.


Update time is past due. It’s been about two weeks. I’ve been too lazy to bother checking the trichomes with my little microscope yet. Maybe later, as I think that they will be ready pretty soon.



dang! are you still just using jack’s citrus? backing off the feed? :thinking:
looking good for sure! :+1:


Well, thanks!
No backing off, I have been using ½ teaspoon of Jack’s Citrus per gallon of water with every watering. I’ll keep feeding right up to harvest. I have been using the Citrus FeED exclusively since about 2011 or so.


Well said my wordsmith friend!



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That train is just about pulling into the station!

She’s showing beautiful colors and perfect tips…

Well done!



Was a very nice grow. The buds look amazing.


Hey @Calyxander

Great plants you have and i would like if you share some thoughts? :slightly_smiling_face:

I see you’ve grown a Satori reg over the years. Do you know if there are any changes in genetics? I have regular seeds from this year. So far I have grown Satori twice. Sometime in 2008 or 2009 and I think 2017.
The plants from the first round were better for me. A higher percentage of elongated, more sativa, less leafy…

It’s extremely hot here and I’m thinking of trying to plant a few seeds. My goal is to have the clones ready in September.
I know they handle the heat very well as mature plants, but I’m not sure how they function when they’re still young. Any sugestion?

And Satori fem compared to reg?

Thanks :pray:


Howdy @Pannonian, thank you.

Well, I agree that overall, I also preferred the older version of Satori to that which is currently available. However, I have not grown out very many of the current Fem or regular versions to know beyond a doubt what I suspect is a change in the genetic makeup. I was not too keen on the new Fem version relative to the regular seeds that I grew 10 to 17 years ago. I will be growing some more of the regular seeds indoors before the end of this year to see if I can find what I am seeking.

I grew several crops of reg. Satori outdoors in containers in South Florida back then, with zero problems. Very easy and robust plants in mostly 90+ degree heat outdoors.

Best of luck!


I just read through your thread again, and I’m very proud of myself; I remembered something! :wink:

Namely, that you were growing Silver Mountain F2s. I just finished a grow of this, but only had one female out of four seeds. I’m curious what kind of chances I have to get a similar pheno if I grow it again. It doesn’t look you ended up writing a smoke report on them, though. Do you remember what the flower was like? From reading, I’ve got that they had a sweet honeysuckle smell during flower, and the pics you have at harvest certainly look like they should be nice and sticky. Were both plants basically the same, or was that only one pheno? Also, I realize this is extremely subjective, but how would you describe the high?



Thanks for revisiting my little thread. It’s funny that you mention Silver Mountain, as I still have seeds left, and yesterday I was considering them for my upcoming indoor grow in a month or so. SM was one of my favorite plants grown with seeds acquired from OG over the past 6 years. To me, it produces really nice flowers somewhat reminiscent of NLxHaze and Blue Dream. I preferred the smoke from SM over the Kali Bubba from the same grow. I really did not notice any real difference between the two SMs I harvested, so my hunch is that they will be fairly uniform overall.
Delightful long lasting sativa buzz with great taste, after curing they provided hints of birch beer and yummy sweetness. I emptied the SM jars more rapidly than all of my others at that time.

Well, now I have decided to give my remaining seeds of SM another run along with two other strains yet to be determined, although SM’s companions will likely be FDM’s Sweet Tooth #4 and his C99, I will be hoping for at least one girl of each.

Probably a good idea to get a larger tent though. Room for more lovely ladies.


That was my hunch as well after the other research I’ve done. The few people I found who ran them and posted flower pics looked very similar to yours and mine, and the smoke reports were also similarly positive. The preservation run that produced these managed to squeak by the co-op’s normal procedure somehow, apparently, because it was just one male and one female. Good news as far as I’m concerned, I’ll probably just keep it small then - plant 4-6 seeds and clone them all before going into flower. Assuming I get at least one male and one female, I’ll probably do a preservation of these. Obviously I want more, and whether or not the co-op wants them, this one should get out there. I don’t think the original run produced that many seeds; only about 4k, and I’m not even sure the Canadians all got theirs.



:metal: :+1:

all this sounds good, thx guys

Do you have something new that you’re working on?

Some very nice looking colors. It’s got a nice fade going on.

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