My New Little Tent Grow

Looks mega sticky. Be good for extracts I bet


I agree. @Esrgood4u the stinky icky. Nice trim also. Big buds. Not to big. Just right. Very nice flavors. Looks like a good start on the next turn.


This is a tardy update of my lonely little Far Out plant.
This is the 2021 “Limited Edition” Far Out. First time growing this version
So far it seems to have substantially more Blueberry influence than the earlier
versions of Far Out I’ve grown.
I just switched to 11 ½ / 12 ½ 2 days ago. I’m curious to see how much this bushy plant is gonna stretch. The previous Far Outs I’ve grown stretched like bastids.

It looks like I might have to remove a few leaves… yikes.


It’s a beautiful looking plant. The node spacing looks really tight. By the shape of the leafs she looks like it has a lot of indica in it???
Put a net over her and send her sideways if your worried about its stretch maybe???

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Some plants which were started alongside the Far Out in the tent.


Nicotiana (AKA Flowering Tobacco)

Dwarf Sunflowers


I’m not really worried about the stretch, given it’s structure relative to the earlier versions of
Far Out. I don’t anticipate any problems. I doubt that it will stretch as much as my last grow
with Silver Mtn and Kali Bubba.
We’ll see in due time.


Looks great.

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Thanks @Hemp

Here is the Far Out today. It’s starting to show the wee baby flowers.
This plant is fairly short and stout, and we’ll soon see just how much it’ll stretch.

About 8 days since flip.


She is going to be huge. I have a few that didn’t get to big. Very small. I was hoping they would get bigger. I have a few problems. I’m cutting back a bunch. For different reason. I’ll only do a few next time. Had more females than males this time.

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It’s been two weeks since the last update, so this is from today, very little stretch, so she is a short little girl. I was going to remove some leaves, but I’m procrastinating well.
Roughly 3 weeks into dark cycle.


She is looking perfect, every leaf tip - flawless…

Great grow execution. :+1: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:



It’s about time. Joking looking great. Love the pictures.

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Thanks for your kind comments!

Update time.


Damn I’m taking notes. Nice colors.

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Very nice work!


Thanks to all y’all for looking in.

Serious Seeds Kali Bubba is a nicely potent and tasty sativa type flower.

I have only grown KB two times, a total of only three plants, and I will most certainly grow it again.
The flowers from my recent grow have been in jars since the end of Feb.

Kali Bubba is a Kali Mist female impregnated by a Bubblegum dad.

The high is very intense for the first hour or so, and then begins to level off to a nice and steady warm buzz which lasts for a few hours. The taste is spicy and sweet with just a hint of bubblegum on the exhale.When I open the jars, I immediately smell lush sweet geraniums (weird, but nice). The buds are considerably more dense than Kali Mist.

I think that anyone that enjoys Hazes or Apollo 11 and/or Cindy 99 will like these flowers a lot.

And, as is the case with ganja flowers, individual results may vary.


Beautiful plants & that looks like a delicious smoke. Enjoy what you’ve earned my friend, nice work! :slight_smile:


Love the buds but I love that pipe even more, that’s got some mileage on it… :+1: :smile:



Looking great, I also love that pipe, just can’t beat the classics sometimes! :+1:
:v: :v: :v: :v:

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Yes they are very nice looking. @Calyxander love the bowl set up. The bud looks amazing. I’m sure it has a nice taste.

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