My poorly planned grow w/quality seeds +1 bagseed

Ok ok! I have another small grow in progress with a range of genetics. Here they are
“GG4 bagseed, Blue Zorilla by 4 Wise Eyes, Sour Diesel by either Nirvana or Royal Queen seeds, Gravy Train & NL5000 by CSi” Unfortunately the planning was not the best but I’m gonna adapt best I can. Since I have plants in different stages of growth due to some beans not surfacing. I figure I’ll attempt to train the Bigger plants to stay low and give the seedlings time to catch up which I will not top them and let them grow single cola style.
First up is this nice looking GG4 bagseed.

Next is the Blue Zorilla (reg)

I have other blue zorillas in solo cups that just are so slow in growing. But this one stood out to me and I’ll probably transplant this one into a bigger pot as soon as I know the sex. But this one is like topped on its own 4 times!!! Or it’s a strange growth expression :man_shrugging:

Sour Diesel (fem) I have no idea who’s SD this is, I won a 3 pack of SD fems in the Seedsman Xmas giveaway 2021…

Lastly here is Gravy Train (Trainwreck x Chem 91) (fem) which I learned is recommended for growing outdoors due to a prevalence for nanners late in growing indoors.
Soil was just a little hot so I started off on the wrong foot with this darling but hopefully she’ll forgive me and bounce back.

Oh I also just planted a NL 5000 (fem) which is T 1000 x NL 5, I saw her surface this morning so pic to follow soon.

Here’s an honorable mention to my punche also growing as well which is Wild Mexican Tobacco.


Here’s a screenshot I took of the blue Zorilla before I bought it.


Some cool stuff! Looking good my friend



Blue Zorilla

Sour D- found out that it’s either Nirvana or RQS. Regardless this version of the Sour is a vigorous plant. It’s fem by the way.

T-1000 x NL5

Gravy Train is definitely a finicky lady. My blue Zorilla in a solo cup is excelling so I’m probably gonna swap them spots since they are the same age and the GT is just not doing much, I’ll leave her in the cup in the corner.

So far the GG4 bagseed is just blowing up and quite the stinker. I finished doing some LST’ing and wow did that tent stink. I used the restroom and when I came back it was still reeking. Can’t wait to start flowering the GG4. Happy Growing to everyone!


Overall pic.

Blue Zorilla in solo cups

& in a pot


Sour Diesel

NL 5000


You know what time it is, but I have to ask, does anyone really eat the cheese??


Blue Zorilla

GG4 bagseed


Sour Diesel

So far plants are growing quite quickly especially after applying the LABS. None of the Blue Zorilla have not yet shown their sex. Actually none of the plants have quite yet but the NL5000 and Sour Diesel are Fem. GG4 should be a female. Just waiting to see which Blue Zorilla is a fem that I can swap with the gravy train since she is lagging in growth. No issues with water or soil except that the plant is recommended for outdoors. Not sure what else the culprit could be. All other plants are flourishing just fine. Thanks for dropping by.


Wow wow wow!! All my Blue Zorilla beans were Regs but I ended up with all females.
In the pic below BZ is the corners of the tent with exception of lower right, that is my NL5000 and in the middle is the GG4 bagseed which smells marvelous. Doing a little LST on the GG4 and a little on one of the BZ.
Overall I’m glad how the plants in the tent are doing.


Just for shits and giggles
You got any tobacco seeds


I do actually, there are lots of seed pods and I believe each pod has quite a few seeds.
This day in age we’re in I find it a perfect opportunity to do some bartering when there is common interests.
With that said, what might you have in mind for trade? I’m open to hot pepper seeds, poppy seeds, cannabis seeds🤷‍♂️ Or herbal medicine seeds.

I’ve recently started using cover crops to refresh my 5 year old soil and I’ve become a fan of them already.

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What a difference a few days makes, but I also watered with a new fpj mix I just finished squeezing. It had been sitting for a few weeks and the smell was intense!! It’s intense, I took a small spoonful and it took my breath away! Highly medicinal for sure with the ingredients I used but the plants seem to have loved it!
What you see here is the layout of the number 5 on a dice :game_die: lower left, upper left and upper right are all BLUE ZORILLA which turned out fems but were reg beans. The middle plant is a GG4 bagseed that is just amazing! Infact I think I’m gonna try taking a clone of her and one of the blue zorilla plants because of their vigor, growth pattern and smell.
The lower right plant is NL5000 which is T1000 aka old family purple x Northern Lights #5


This is the very current state of the tobacco plant. Finally took it out of the tent to free up room. You’d be surprised how sticky these plants get!!! But the leaves not sticky the Least bit. :man_shrugging:
This variety here is called Punche(poon-che) and is a Mexican variety of tobacco with a strong bold flavor and effect.


1st up is GG4 bagseed and the other two are Blue Zorilla. Really looking forward to seeing those first signs of flowering!


Overall tent pic and the obvious problem plant is in the upper right corner which is Gravy Train by CSi.

Gravy Train is recommended for outdoors and I wish I had seen that sooner. The plant is in the same soil as all the other plants which are doing just fine and thriving.

I have a Lemon Skunk in a solo cup with bigger leaves than the Gravy Train!! If the LS turns out fem I’m gonna yank the Gravy Train and transplant the LS into its pot.

Has anyone else tried growing the Gravy Train???

These 2 are Blue Zorilla

Sour D

NL5000 - really liking the leaves and structure of this plant.


So I got 4 days into flower and here is the result so far. The plant with big leaves front and center is Blue Zorilla #3 which wasn’t topped and added 3 days ago. Actually I didn’t top any of the blue Zorilla plants, they grew the way they did on their own!!!

Unfortunately my Blue Zorilla #1 is showing some nitrogen toxicity with clawing of the leaves from the new growth but it don’t seem to major to worry just yet.

Blue Zorilla #2

GG4 bagseed


What are all those splotches? Epsom salt foliar spray?

Calcium foliar spray. Another person said PM but luckily I’m in the desert and so humidity is quite low round here. But yeah nothing bad on the plants. :+1:t3:


Blue Zorilla #4 by Kinetic Genetics

Sour Diesel by either Nirvana or RQS

NL5000 by csi genetics

Gravy Train by csi genetics (she not looking so well, probably gonna just chop her and put the following plants in her pot as soon as the Uhkrul Sativa shows the sex)

This is a solo cup with two plants. Bigger plant is Lemon Skunk from Mark on Strainly and smaller plant is Uhkrul from

All plants are 1week and 2days Into flower

GG4 bagseed

Blue Zorilla #2

Blue Zorilla #1