My poorly planned grow w/quality seeds +1 bagseed

Yeah my grinder is well aged but it still functions :joy:
Here’s a sample of some lowers from the Blue Zorilla #1. All head high and lots of energy. This is a daytime smoke no doubt and very pleasant effects. Lifts the mood and makes music sound better to the ears and will make you wanna move. Can’t wait to let it cure well and enjoy for some spring time hikes!


My other Blue Zorilla taken a full 10 weeks.
Can’t wait to jar her up.
Plan on smoking her in the spring.


Looks pretty dang nice to me! :v:t2:

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Blue Zorilla freshly trimmed and jarred up.


Looking great :+1::+1:

How’s it smelling?

Oh man I’m so sorry I didn’t see this message but to reply she has a nice dank smell. Best I can describe is this sorta floral sweet hash smell with some skunky tones and a light petrichor finish. Petrichor is the smell you get in the air just before a rainstorm or during a light rain. Effects are awesome and stimulating, personally I feel more giggly on this one and social as well. Great for uplifting the mood and I find personally that blueberry seems to do that and this plant has original blueberry genetics as well. Overall I’m happy with how this plant grows and how she makes me feel, just couldn’t believe all the females grown were colorful but not like this last one which made a violet purple. Thank you for checking out my grow!

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NL5000 is NL 5 x T1000 by CSi humboldt

Sour Diesel by RQS which is definitely not a real sour diesel but still gotta say this is some nice smelling flower. Reminds me of a lemon slushee or those lemon frozen ice pops.