My poorly planned grow w/quality seeds +1 bagseed

Blue Zorilla#3 7 weeks in and almost ready for the chop. Blown away by her color, this is straight violet!
Won’t it be the day when we got smellavision


Wow, that color is something, looks great!! Have you grown this strain previously? @TokerJayG

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First time growing this line. I’m blown away myself. The BZ #1 is quite colorful as well, more towards the red side of violet. I wasn’t even expecting it to be such a colorful plant. Beauty in these plants astonishes me :exploding_head:

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Sour diesel 2 weeks into flower. She is very hairy and has long hairs. Longest hairs I ever seen In a plant so far…
Also starting to lay down the frost, if she keeps this up she gonna be one frosty lady.

Also to add is this Gravy Train(Trainwreck x Chem 91)which I almost chopped because the growth was lacking. But I’m glad I kept her around and so now she is a few days into 12/12 and stretching.


This is my clone of the GG4 bagseed and she is very healthy. I just cut the top and will be able to get 3 clones from the two branches and the main top that was chopped.

The smell on this cut is unreal. It smells like it’s gonna be some potent flower so I had to make sure to clone this one here. If the smoke is some potent medicine I will drop off a cut at a local clone shop to see if anyone is interested in continuing the line and spreading her around. If I had the set up to be spreading clones I would but I’m not wanting to spend money on all that currently, otherwise I be sharing her on here.
The smell is just intensifying day by day as she gets closer to being ripe. It’s sharp a tangerine :tangerine: up front but quickly overtaken by this Asphalt funk and a strong earthy tone. The leaves alone smell quite strong too.


What do you think about this??? I have this plant that started showing and it’s a male!!! Supposed to be a FEM bean too!!!
And every branch on this plant looks just like the pic below.
Plant is Gravy Train by CSi Himboldt.
I can’t complain really because I got this pack as a freebie but still something ain’t right here….would you reach out to CSi about this issue??


Blue Zorilla #3
Almost there and getting better by the day.


GG4 bagseed
Guessing 9-10 weeks for chop time. Just started the 9th week.


Successful seed making. Continuing the Blue Zorilla line… had to with the colors this Line puts out.


Beautiful plants my friend, incredible colour on the BZ.

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Thank you! I agree! My first plants with color of this caliber. Photos do them Justice, but the smell is another story.


NL5 x T1000 by CSi humboldt
Stem Rub smells of pencil shavings and hint of dill. Not much else to remark. Sorta excited to see how this one turns out and how the flowers develop. 1 week and 2 days into 12/12


GG4 bagseed is gonna be some fire :fire: sure is getting frosty and is very dense!!! Smells just like some dank GG4 but I still get a nice strong background smell of freshly laid Asphalt.
Sure hope my three clones throw down some roots.


Love the smell of fresh asphalt…have you grown this previously? Looks kinda wicked but it looks good!!!

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My 1st time running this in flower. I also love the smell of fresh laid asphalt on a hot summer day! Only in weed does a nasty smell description equate to some good bud!!! :rofl:


So is there a BZ tester list? She’s stunning!

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Depending on how many beans Im left with I may consider doing something kinda along those lines. But the interest is noted :wink:


Blue Zorilla :drooling_face:


interesting information - on Blue Zorilla have to checkout GLG - it looks like it could be very potent looking at the parents Who is the breeder ( seem to find it)

Kinetic Genetics is the breeder. Unfortunately this line is an old one and no longer in production.