My remote hygrometer sucks!

I have two dehumidifiers running in my grow space and both are set at 55%.
The hygrometer is at canopy height and there’s plenty of airflow.
Anyone got recommendations for a remote hygrometer that actually works?


From what I’ve noticed they all give you slightly different reading. I have probly 30 of the little ones and they all read different. i have been looking at the pulse and pulse pro for the flower tent but there not cheap.

Some of these only read temp remotely at the probe and humidity only on the actual unit. Or it just sucks :rofl:. Just an idea. Good luck :+1:

i have usually 3 diff units in the same tent, each at a different level and placement in the tent because microclimates yo,


I don’t own this one but it might be what you are looking for.

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For only $40 you can get one base and three transmitters with probes


I’ve also got several; even when I put them in the same place, usually they’re 1-2% off or off by one degree. Kinda the same thing, really, since RH is relative to the temperature. You get what you pay for; if you’re buying a digital thermometer/hygrometer/controller combo pack for $25 (sorry, $50 in today’s money) it’s not gonna be perfect. More expensive ones will have calibration options, at least, if you’re willing to put in the money and the work. :man_shrugging: I figure it’s not gonna be perfect and let the plants deal with the rest. They usually survive.


I use the Govee brand ones, they’re like $12 each or $20 a 2 pack off amazon and they have consistent readings between the 3 I have, and those 3 also match 3 other different brands I have so I trust em.
The history on the Bluetooth app takes a few tries to load sometimes but otherwise I like them.
They chart Vpd too which is nice


This one @Tuned posted is a good choice if you want to be able to connect your phone to them with Bluetooth, the one I posted is a closed dumb system that just talks to itself.

Honestly @Manky after looking at the lineup a bit more I think you’d want this one, it has calibration as an option while most others from them don’t:


Not sure how that calibrates, but you can adjust the calibration setting on the app on govee, so if you were to put it in a jar with say a 62% humidipack and it read 60 you could adjust it in the app to be correct. Haven’t had to do that but for as cheap as these things are they’ve treated me well for years!


I have 2 IBS-TH5-WIFI units and they are fantastic.

Full disclosure, one of these was given to me to review by Amazon and the other was given to me to review by Inkbird. But I still stand by them and love them.


Damn that’s nice! I was already going yeah yeah I like it but an E-Ink screen? Sold! Gotta get one or two of those when I have the cash again, thanks Doug


Yeah bud, it’s really cool. The app lets you view all the stored data and I can see what’s going on from anyplace. I can go you one better than waiting for cash. :wink: This is live right now.


I second this. I’ve been using govee for 3ish months and like them. I have two govee heaters, 1 dehu and a monitor. And 3 inkbirds :upside_down_face:.


All that data is so pretty I have to get one too now. I can’t believe I’ve lived this long without knowing what the stats are at night in my grow room. :rofl:

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Any thing by Inkbird, you can get them on amazon.

Love that it does the VPD conversion etc. now I don’t know which one I like more! I really like the e-ink look on that one though. Very cool


x2 for Govee, bluetooth if you just want at-home home monitoring. The wifi version is more expensive but IMO worth it if your other features (fans, light, etc) can be monitored via wifi as well

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Try Govee!

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Check out the following as well:

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