My Second Grow. Planet of the Grapes and Crescendo (ethos)

They don’t seem to be stretching at all. And maybe shying away from the light a bit with the downward leaves. I’d probably raise it a touch.


even if he doesnt want to grow ask him to just keep a clone of each alive. simple 1 gal pot under a walmart led light until you know if they are keepers. or ask him to go half with you and and veg them until there nice big bushes. so you are constantly ready to flower once you harvest. you flower he veges once you find a keeper toss the 3 you dont like and he veges 4 of the keepers then when you harvest you take his 4 new ones clone em flower. saves you 1.5 months of veg time and should sneak in 2 more harvests per year. :slight_smile: sorry rambling lol


I will try to slip in the closet when my wife starts snoring! Do you think 24 inches would be good?


Congrats on the new light @Goat :slightly_smiling_face: Looking forward to watching your grow :eyes:


I think that’s a reasonable change. Certainly don’t think you would hurt anything seeing how they react to that height.


i would leave the light as is but if you see any signs of burning or stunting you can bring them higher since you will be transplanting anyways and can adjust how much stem is showing. and i would add a small oscillating fan in the carner on low and if you want to up the humidity the cheap way put a small bucket of water with a rag inside raised half in half out of water and the fan will spread the humidity. prob get you into the mid 40s that way

edit as @Eagles009 says you can raise em a bit. id rather stretch than stunting


Now your thinking haha. I also have 2 grow buddies that might be interested.


I have a fan attached to the top of the tent blowing down, wife stole the one that I had on my canopy the last run and stuck it in her greenhouse lol. I do need to run out and snag it now that they have germinated.


Good to have you back @Oldtimerunderground !

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Hello. Checking in. day 17 now. After my last post I went in and adjusted the light height and somehow I managed to accidently crank the light strength up to 100%. When I noticed like 12 hours later it was 95F in there and the plants were bone dry and drooped over. After that I over reacted and managed to overwater them over the course of the next few days.

Somehow they are still alive.

They completely stunted and curled up. I let them dry out for four days and pretty much did nothing else. Then when they soil was dry for over 24 hours I misted the top of the soil around the plant with a spray bottle every day or two and they did not grow much at all. Yesterday I gave them veg nutes and a little calmag. PPM was 191.

This morning signs of life. New set of leaves on all 4 and like half an inch taller. Still looking pretty rough but yeah, not dead. I guess at this point I will just feed every 3-4 days and hope for the best. Environment is looking a little better. Humidity is back with early spring weather here. I hope to see more growth over the next few days. That would be cool. Like always, any advice is appreciated.

Planet of the grapes



Dang sorry to hear about the little accident you had with the light getting turned up. I’ve been there plenty times before, when things go sideways for a minute. You’d be surprised what these plants can recover from though, and I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’ve had sprouts look just like that in the past and make a full recovery. Only thing you can really do is keep moving, stay strong, and grow on :muscle::seedling:


Thanks man! I was scared they weren’t going to make it. But, After countless hours of “research” (being stoned and surfing on OG), I think I set myself back some time for sure but I finally feel like they might recover.


Bookmarking this one. :slight_smile: I’m running “Planet of the Grapes” right now too. Working on week 3 from the flip. She’s a big rangy beast. Will try to get some shots in at some point.


Hell yeah man, I would love to see some shots! A look into the future :rofl:

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Hello again. It’s me. Day 21 from sprout. We seemed to have moved on from our little over watering incident. The first set of leaves on both the grapes got all dry and shriveled. I was thinking about pruning them and when examining one it broke off in my hand. So they had to go. The new growth is looking great however and I am hoping it continues to do so. I think I will up the ppm to around 400 with the next quart I make. Foxfarm and calmag. One quart of water lasted about 6 days for all 4 plants. One of the crescendo is short and stocky. It was runty before overwatering. PICS

Planet of the Grapes 1

Planet of the Grapes 2

Crescendo 1

Crescendo 2 the runt.


I purchased a bag of foxforest ocean farm, a like 4 lb pound bag of perlite and some more DE for transplant. I did just the ocean farm last run with great results but I didn’t like how the soil got kind of muddy on me sometimes. I know I probably need to get my watering habits in check but to help me along I feel copious amounts of perlite might be a good idea. They will be going in 3 gallon growbags.

I am very interested in mycorrhizae but I do not know much about it. I get the premise. Its a spore you dust on the roots during transplant. This sounds wonderful to me. If anyone has used it and can recommend a brand to purchase or any pointers that would be great!


Some grape gobstoppers that has been a jar since early December


Hey now. I’m sure there are Overgrowers here who can speak to specifics, but if you’re using FoxFarms, they make a few different products that can help provide cannabis friendly mycorrhizae. Microbe Brew and Kangaroots are two you can fertigate with.

If you purchase, remember these products have shelf lives and “bottled on” dates stamped on them. After a year or more, the colonies can be severely degraded. Don’t accept old products.

Also, don’t overdo it and don’t use it on other plants unless you’ve researched first. We almost lost our 17-ft avocado tree, raised from a pit, because I used a bit of spare fertilizer on it with the microbe brew.

Avocado roots do not appear to like that sort of bacteria. We only saved it by using a fungicide and some hydrogen peroxide.


Awesome exactly the info I was looking for. I think I’m going to try this one from Amazon “dynomyco” It looks popular so hopefully fresh. Thanks for the tip as well, don’t won’t to kill the veggies!

I always seem to have pretty bad transplant shock. Not sure what I am doing but not just pot, I almost killed a bunch of tomatoes last year as well. Hopefully this helps


Dynomyco is great! I’ve been using it for a year.
Every time I up-pot I dust a little on the exposed roots… boom!

I sometimes will sprinkle a little on the surface and water it in, for even more fun, water with a tea after.

A little goes a long way.
