My Second Grow. Planet of the Grapes and Crescendo (ethos)

happy they survived the hot lights!. there gonna be taking off now it looks like. you should look into coco if your an over waterer lol. i never used microbes but they seem pretty straight forward just sprinkle a touch also beware of using the same amount as ppl you see on youtube etc there sponsored and use way more than necessary (makes the company more cash)


Hey everybody. Day 25. Fully recovered from my attempted murder. At 400 ppm now (growbig and calmag). They seem to be liking the nutes. I have enough mixed for 1 more light water at that strength. I think I may up the strength when I mix the next batch. Got my Dynomyco in the mail yesterday, took less than a day and the expiration date is in 2023 so we are good. I am itching to transplant now and get the mycorrhizal going but I think I will give it another week or so. The pots they are in are pretty small but I only plan on transplanting once and they just recovered from overwatering so yeah. Anyway PICS.

Planet of the Grapes 1

Planet of the Grapes 2

Crescendo 1

Crescendo 2

Bonus pics of the 2 crescendo, one is like twice as big as the other



Thanks! I want to do coco, I was just scared haha, I pretty much never want to pay for pot again so I figured another soil run maybe some outdoors to get the stash up. Those are more my comfort zone. After those 2 runs though I might play with coco or even hydro.


I just finished a round of POTG. I had some beasts.

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Hey yall. Going to catch up a bit. This was week 4 day 28

Planet of the Grapes 1

Planet of the Grapes 2

Crescendo 1

Crescendo 2


Today Day 32 I transplanted. I mixed up 1 bag FF ocean forest with 12 qts perlite and like 2 cups DE. I pressed the old pot to form a hole and sprinkled a bunch of Dynomyco in and around the hole. After transplanting I lightly watered, I had previously wet the soil a little and let warm in the sun.


And here are the ladies back in the tent a few hours after transplant. They still kind of look a little shook. I hope they perk back up tomorrow!

Planet of the Grapes 1

Planet of the Grapes 2

Crescendo 1

Crescendo 2


Hey. Update time. Day 36 from sprout. Transplant went well. Best for me yet anyway. They perked back up the next morning and have spent the last 4 days just growing. I think I like the mycorrhizae. I mean the ladies look good, I think it helped my transplant woes. They seem to be shrugging off their earlier overwatering problems and have put on like 2 inches in 4 days and new nodes as well. If they keep on rocking ill probably top in a week or so and flower a week after that. Anyway thanks for joining in and here are the pics!

Planet of the Grapes 1

Planet of the Grapes 2

Crescendo 1

Crescendo 2


I’m growing the Punchline rn, it seems these Ethos cultivars are kinda finicky

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Hello everybody. Day 42, 6 weeks from seed. They have done very well since transplant. I am thinking about topping maybe Saturday after work. I also think I am going to trim off all that crud at the bottom. The 2 nodes at the bottom are like almost resting on the soil and very close to each other. I need to get my screen up as well. I can’t let them get as big as my last run, my new light hangs like 6 inches lower and I have 4 instead of 3.

I am excited about their growth but there is some funky stuff happening with the some of the leaves. Color is good but the leaves are twisting some. Is this anything I should be concerned about? There is a little bit of burning on the new leaf tips as well. I have not given them any nutrients since transplant, FF ocean forest has enough in there for a few weeks I guess. Maybe the leaf burn is the soil being a little strong? Ph is 6.9 when the guy checked on my well. I don’t really test or adjust. I have the paper strips and it looks pretty damn near 7 to me. I am a big fan of not really doing anything and hope it works it self out but any advice is appreciated.

They are like twice as big as my post from 6 days ago.

Planet of the Grapes 1

Planet of the Grapes 2

Crescendo 1

Crescendo 2


I almost bought both of these, then I read more about Ethos and their company… So, I’ll tag along and live vicariously through you :joy:

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Please tag along! What did you read about ethos?

Don’t want to derail your thread, but the breeder/owner seems to be an awful human.

I don’t have any stake in this, never bought anything from Ethos and don’t plan to. That being said, all I’ve heard about Ethos is that someone dug up a lawsuit filed against some woman with the same last name, concluded based on nothing that this was his wife, and accepted her defense when the state had refused to acknowledge it - that her husband was at fault for her leaving a dog tied in the backyard to starve because he, his daughter and her husband had all left her there alone to care for it and she didn’t want to. It’s a ridiculous defense even if she is his wife, indicating her guilt in the matter more than his. Is this something else, and is it actually verifiable or just more rumor? Obviously he has enemies, not sure I’d accept anything I read without some proof.

Ah well that sucks. I do not know much about them, they were recommended to me from someone on OG, I do not know much about any of the breeders or anything.

Oh wow, lol. That’s an interesting story if it is true. Poor dog. IF that is what all the fuss is about id say the worst thing about the man himself is his choice in women. Crazy.


I heard the same thing after buying some seeds from them. Honestly, my position is if the genetics are good, I don’t care. There’s a ton of shit bag breeders that have legit genetics. If the negative you find is in the breeders personal life and past, then that means you can’t find anything wrong with their genetics. And so far I haven’t heard anything bad about Collin’s cultivars.

Edit: just because the breeder is a shit bag person, doesn’t mean their strains are bad. And viceversa.


So much more to it than that, but again, this isn’t the place. I still want to try some of their strains though, just won’t give them my money. If I get anything good from freebies or what I bought I’ll be making some to spread around for free :joy:

the guy might be a pos idk but his gear is quality usually from what i have seen. maybe post about the leaf twisting in the sick plants sub and see if someone can help but i would assume as the soil depleates they will be fine as you feed them more manageable nutes.


I’ve heard plenty of mediocre things about their beans, and then fanboys claim it’s all fire, kind of like a lot of breeders. The common complaint seems to be that the potency isn’t there and others claim the terpenes are nothing special and fade. But I don’t know, I just know just know there are plenty of good breeders that aren’t abusive DB’s with multiple counts against them :man_shrugging:

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