My Um Uhhh Grow Show You Know? Also Umm Uhhh...Crosses And Things Like That.Uhhh You Know What I Mean?

Say it a few more times Potcasters! I love to listen to you say UM Uh You Know 9000 times an hour. Good shit


So umm like I was saying the ummm, RIGHT?! I know it’s not something you uh hear like often uhhhh it’s the uhh thh th uhhh truth.

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These potcasters have EXTREMELY important and excellent information. Trying to get through all the sloppy speaking is the difficult part. NSD from Riotcast is the most brutal. Adam Dunn second place. Matt Riot speaks fairly well most are seriously sloppy. Please men work on you’re presentations they are worthy of better commentary.


Umm, no one said they were like, professional umm podcasters. Ya know? Like, you can’t get mad at them.

Man. I worked uhh through a couple, I uhh mean a couple, like. Of them out of uhh shear desire to umm learn a few thing that uhhh might now have ummm made it to a forum. It’s all uhh old news, umm… I really like to uhhh hear those that made ummm giant strides for us or uhhh came up with amazing genetics but damn uhhh I don’t like it uhhh it’s like putting my brain in a vice uhhh

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Not mad at them it just makes it really hard to follow along with you know you know you know um uh uh uh ummm uh uh like a little yapping dog. It makes them look not aware of their speaking. When I meet a “you know” guy in real life I try to get away from them as fast as possible. You know you know you know is exhausting. It shows insecurity and neediness when a person speaks with sloppy commentary.

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TRIGGERED!! My man you understand. Love the knowledge but these people really need to work on this. So much sloppy commentary with Einstein level info in there. Difficult World.


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The last few Breeders Syndicate with the Old school mountain grow op guests were so dam good but wow so many um uh you knows in there. Insane tough to get through. Not all the speakers but the few were super intense difficult to listen to.

I get they are not professionals, still most of them have employees, hold meetings, negotiate stuff and after some time doing this podcast gig one would think fluidity would become natural.

I also get the point that many don’t think much of it, it’s all uhh ? ??? Good.

I am a youtuber with almost 80 million views and thousands of hours of commentary on pro and amateur sports. It comes with listening to your broadcasts after the show and working on errors from there. It takes time to get decent at commentating. Listen to some football or nascar commentators. Very few trigger words used. All takes time and I want them to do better.


I saw some of your videos, you’re a natural :kissing_heart:

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I wish I had even a smidge of the knowledge these growers and Potcasters have so don’t get me wrong and thank you for the words I worked hard to get the comments better on my videos in the past. I had all the same sloppy speaking errors I had to figure out how to fix.


Take a breath. Seriously. If you’re going to say “um” you’re just buying time to think of what to say next. So just take a breath. You’re allowed to breathe.

But yes, it annoys me too.

I also dislike when I ask someone a question and they repeat the question back to me before they answer. It’s because they are buying time. Because they are lying.


Or someone who says What? Every time you ask something even when they hear you ! Ha ha annoying for sure! Some of the shows are ok enough to listen to but wow not just weed casts most other amateur presentations are full of UH Um You Know for the majority of the show. I was listening to one before I posted this and was not able to get through the whole show it was unbelievable the amount of Um Uhhhhhs Uhhhh Right? You know? RIIIGHT? RIGHT?!

I uhhh… find playing the podcast at 1.5 speed helps shorten those awkward umm… pauses.


I find not listening at all helps. I trust them all about as far as I can throw them anyway. Even if they have some tiny bit of valuable information, it comes with so much baggage and lies designed to sell you crap you don’t need that it’s not worth trying to sift through. They’re all constantly contradicting and attacking each other and it just ends up drawing people into their pathetic drama, and even if I have time for it I have no interest in it. Life’s too short for their noise.


Adam Dunn is the worst he’s a nose talker or something he ruins it for me lol

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Upspeak vs Umm speak, I don’t know which is, like, umm worse? Have some confidence in your bullshit folks, it’s alot more entertaining when you actually try to pretend what you’re saying is correct. Kevin Jodrey for example. Another lying thief with fake skunk stories, unqualified on all topics related to Cannabis growing, except the obsolete organized crime aspect, but entertaining non the less. Acts like he hates the man, worked with DEA. Acts like legalization screwed him over, runs multiple licensed dispensaries. Becomes pot grower celeb.

I’ll take arrogance, I don’t need real confidence. Anything is better than “Umm? We never used sulfur. But we grew the best skunk. Umm… we bred it out on purpose?”

None of the pot casters/breeders I’ve listened to know much about plants, at all. It’s all personalities and story time in the potcast world. Like sports cards x alternative history to a kid. Ancient aliens and fantasy football should fill that need for adults, guess not. Why do so many pot growers care about the shitty people behind the scenes? And their shitty stories? Rat piss hash, wow cool let me have your autograph… Drug dealing is not that cool. These guys all dealt weed (and heroin & meth), now try to make a name for their selves in legal capacity. How many breeders blame the grower for herms, but can’t tell them what deficiency causes it? (Blaming light leaks makes zero sense. The part exposed to light will reveg, that’s it.)

I drove a bagseed across a state line too, where’s my 3 part interview? I imported from Pakistan, was in Islamabad in 2011 when the fictional Osama Bin Laden was functionally ‘killed off’. It’s not that interesting. I’d rather discuss the chemical makeup of the Pakistani herb, than how cool am am. No one wants to talk about that stuff. They wanna talk about how cool people are.

Do I have to consult with a legal grow op and put them out of business, then will I have enough clout? Do I have to sell skunk seeds that smell like fruit? Will I be cool enough then? Are those the types of qualifications you and I are lacking? These dudes have to be fed yes-no questions, they can’t seem to freeball on the topic of the Cannabis plant.

If you desire a following or narrate bagseed chain of custody, stay on Instagram and stop embarrassing yourself imo. It really seems like a California problem more than a weed and problem. You spend too much time in CA and it’s “We did it first bro. Specifications? Um, What’s a millimeter again? They were the Bronzes bro, we used the Bronzes, we did it first.”

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The one that kills me with NSD is when Matt trys to interject and NSD says “HUH?”

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I’m not sure I agree with your conclusion that it shows insecurity and neediness. I think that plain stupidity accounts for a large proportion, maybe even the lion’s share of those ummm folks. And fuck yeah, get away from them as fast as possible!

I’ve never listened to a potcast, I’ve just heard too many of those kind of folks up close and personal like.