The Current State of Breeding

What are your guys opinion on what this cat has to say?? Anyone know this guy??


Never seen the dude on anything before but I thinking funny I watched all the way until 21mins in. And I got what he was saying until he then contradicted himself by saying heā€™s excited by the limited Ethos release saying those arenā€™t lazyman strains but then in the beginning is running through how genetics arenā€™t stable anymore a lot of the time as theyā€™ve not been through all the variations and how itā€™s changed the market then supports exactly what he was just saying is ruining the industry. Fullashit.


I tried watching him but dude was so full of shit I couldnā€™t make it through. He hits me as one of those guys who has coasted quite a ways on his ability to sound like he knows what heā€™s talking about to people who donā€™t know what theyā€™re talking about.


I hesitate to mention this, and maybe it is just meā€¦
I find many of these YouTube (or podcast) cannabis mavens to be notably inarticulate and meandering. Unwatchable or simply not listenableā€¦IMO.
Embarrassing even.


I might be misunderstanding his choice of words, but it sounds like heā€™s got inbreeding and multi-polyhybrids backwards ā€“ the problem of 30 phenotypes is due to a complete lack of inbreeding before hybridizing. The current market is driven by people looking for originality tho, so if every single seed produces a completely different plant, nobody else will be able to recreate your prized clone-only.

Super difficult to follow what heā€™s even talking about tho. Will have to let it run a second time.

Addendum: Holy shit I wish I had not listened to that a second time. Iā€™m more confused than I was the first time. Is he saying everything being the same is the problem, or not knowing what youā€™re going to get is the problem?..


If you want to know if someone is speaking from knowledge or making shit up look at his eyes. Its called eye accessin cues.

Eyes have to look in a certain direction to remember or create memories, feelings and sounds. I used this eye signalling with clients in hypnosis to see if the memories they were retrieving were real or they were just trying to fill in gaps, because the real problem memory is still repressed.



I believe cannabis like humans got bottle necked and like humans there are hotties everywhere and the super stars get there through marketingā€¦some of the best strain of Cannabis we haveā€¦have never been seen and may never be see because there is no way for the average guy to show off his genetics. Also beauty is in the eye of the beholderā€¦the best most folks can do is toss some pollen (i encourage that) and see what happens. If you believe the BS most of these people say today most of the strain today happened by accident. Corporate America or big ag does not understand Cannabis at all and unless the average person can get in the lab and have the genome mapped out and have a idea of what they are looking for its a crap shot. Who makes the decision on what is a good strain and what makes a strain so good? Yield color smell mite resistant mold resistant cold/heat tolerant auto flower mildew ease of cloning weak branches strong branches so very many variables to be looking for and its in the eye of the beholder and Iā€™ll bet someone out there has seeds somewhere from from the 60ā€™s just sitting there waiting for someone to find them. The person that finds them thinksā€¦this aint GG#4 or cookies and kills themā€¦doh. Grows all weird and takes forever to flower doesnā€™t smell doesnā€™t even bother to roll one because they like rosin or hashā€¦I thought it was interesting to listen to himā€¦Iā€™ve learned to have an open mind and when i want to tune out tune in and ALWAYS assume the person your talking to knows something you donā€™t! Its hard to graft a new idea onto a closed mind. We all keep looking for that rock starā€¦perhaps they are genetics in that seed bank in Iceland under ground

heres another one

I wonder how many more there are out there??

And after what happen with these clownsā€¦i would keep my genes secure

I final questionā€¦which do you think is more important genetics or environment?

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Sorry to disagree but humans and cannabis are a looooong way away from being bottle necked , still so much potential and diversity in other countries that has not been touched by outsiders, piles of indica , aphganica and sativas that have never been in close contact with each other geographically, so donā€™t worry about bottlenecking , if we do what we do as individuals it will probably never matter in the grand scheme of things anyhow.

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Genetics is the size of your cup, environment is how much wine is in the bottle.

I could not listen to much of it, he never takes a breath and just rambles and rambles. He contradicts himself several times, and he lost my interest in 4 minutes.


OMG. Seriously, heā€™s the guy that comes with a mate to a session crawling out of his skin on meth and and talking under wet cement. When some dick on a forum tells you they know it all, then itā€™s probably this guy.
I am no geneticist, but his grasp of the actual technical terminology is laughable.


I was just responding to @bandit306 lol , I looked at that twat who i have socks older than and decided I could live without his knowledge and I donā€™t know shit lol

I tried watching it. ā€œTriedā€, but as a biologist that studied advanced evolutionary genetics and having spent over a decade studying\working with a wide variety of genetics, the guy needs to sit down and learn something before trying to speak as an expert.

Iā€™d bet OG has at least a hundred people more capable of speaking about genetics on a complex and nuanced level.

Update: I tried watching it again and the guy is making my head hurt. For someone that has spent decades growing like he has, he doesnā€™t seem to be able to speak about even the most fundamentals of genetics. Itā€™s bothersome. I hope the OG elders, including myself, can mentor our members so they arenā€™t so inarticulate.

Just like the nurture vs. nature question they ask students in college, regarding human potential, it requires both. In fact, many studies have calculated that itā€™s pretty close to a 50:50 split at a general level of observation. The reality is much more complex, because the environment actually affects the genes. Genes arenā€™t a stagnant variable. As different environmental conditions exert themselves, it causes methylization/demethylization at the epigenetic level which in turn effects the production levels of proteins, enzymes, etc. So, for an outward expression to be observed the plant requires both the genes for that expression to exist in the gene code and for the environmental trigger to be switched on.
Time to go smoke some dank. :blush:


I really think he loves the plant. But I think he likes his job making money moreā€¦


Nailed it!!! Leave it to GrapeApe to get to the core of it.


Iā€™m not hating on the guy. Once a growers passes into advance growing. Thoughts and principles will cross over each other.

I could not sit there and stay on track and Iā€™m only half advanced lol


I learned this in a very practical sense when various what I thought were ā€˜stableā€™ strains came out very differently depending on factors down to things even such as the grow media I was using, so, I would think I had something nailed down having done the entire process in DWC, only to put the same ā€˜stableā€™ strain into coco or dirt and see a very different plant emerge. This became especially apparent when clones also would be virtually different plants based on environmental factors alone. It taught me a good lesson because up till that point I had seen DWC as simply an efficient/clean means to deliver nutrients, and coco as just something to fall back on when I couldnā€™t be assed setting up another DWC, and dirt as something I only use on outdoor, but really there are so many factors, and the fact is that weed IS a poly hybrid and well, again this guy was just gibbering shite IMHO and my brain switched off in about 1 minute. Fact is I guess, that not even the largest commercial growers have breeding programs anywhere near as large or sophisticated as a good number or common agriculture crops have had for many decades. Corn/wheat for instance is bred over hundreds of acres, not a 10X10 tent, so really when you look at it itā€™s a bit hard to get homogeneity in a million different cupboard setups lolā€¦ tbh I am not even sure I know what the guy is on about, mostly because he doesnā€™t seem to either.


That guy is Mr Souls new partner at Bros Grimm and thatā€™s all I got to say about that.


Trying to be Sly literallyā€¦

Having used the metaphor of the canvas, it seems like heā€™s struggling to paint the picture heā€™s attempting to share. Perhaps just get to the point, instead of talking circular contradictions. Iā€™m a firm believer that if you canā€™t fully enlighten a child upon a subject, you really donā€™t understand what you are trying to convey in the first place