Mychorriza innoculent, questions

i also just started using a product called ‘Recharge’.

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Bro thanks! I just ordered that cost 8.75 for shippimg

its all @BigMike55.
i found his post trolling trying to absorb some knowledge, but sure man glad to help and forward his post on.
i already had their bag of myco that i have been using but i went ahead and ordered so i could try the tea and other stuff in the box. for $8 i was not disappointed at all.

I’ve used recharge for a few years now before I went bottle free even great product for sure

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So on the topic since i use synthetic nutrients does that bar me from saying i grow organic
I use gh flora nutes

Yes, pretty decent sized packages, for free samples. Especially for a personal grower. I got that sample 2 years ago and I’m just now getting to the bottom of the pack.
Anyone who has not tried Mycos in there soil is missing out. I am a believer. The roots are much, much more pronounced. And growth is an added Benny. Go for it.


good to hear!! the girls have seemed to like it so far. :slight_smile:

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the gh flora is mineral based or salt right so I didn’t consider myself organic till I gave up the bottled nutes even when I used organic chelates like the general organics stuff but really whatever works for you is best


I agree mycorrhizal inoculation is the simgle best thing a grower can do to radically improve their plants healths, thanks for the links to the freebies bro my mikromyco is almost gone so that came in clutch! Also wamted to say your blue cookies grows look good af lol nice job man


I was a skeptic until I tried it.
Strong noticeable results, it works! :sunglasses: :+1:

Two things I found:

  • You can use less than directed (they do want you to buy more… quickly)
  • If you forget at transplant, dust the surface and water it in…



Awesome thanks for all the info , it makes more sense now lol

I just picked up these beneficials (King Crab) for my hydro res. Previously I was using Southern Ag Garden Friendly Fungicide.

Neither are mycorrhizae, but bacillus and also Trichoderma perform similar functions – better nutrient uptake and protection against pathogens. In hydroponics, if you don’t either continually sterilize, or provide beneficials, you will 100% get pythium.