N deficiency maybe

Blueberry auto, ph 5.9, sterile res, res temp 68° room temp 75°, rh 65%.
Nutes: masterblend 1.2g/gal
Epsom salt 0.6g/gal
Cal nit 1.2g/gal
Sterilizing agent clorox 0.25ml/gal


I think you’re looking at “Nitrogen Toxicity” for sure. “When exposed to free chlorine (Clorox), Nitrogen membrane is degraded. By-products, known as Nitrogen-based disinfection by-products (N-DBPs) can be HIGHLY TOXIC”. Maybe cutback on Clorox with increase in Cal/Nit may improve your situation. Other may suggest a completely different scenario, wishing you success. SS/BW…mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :heart_eyes:


Better sterilizing agent to be H202 (peroxide). Also will up the dissolved oxygen content to your medium as well as clean your roots for pathogens or pests !! Best of luck!!


The long term dosage of bleach is probably better around 0.1mL/gallon. I’ve definitely ran higher than that for shorter periods, though. I suggested 0.25mL/gal to help kill that root rot.

Give it some time, hard to tell from a tiny seedling. How’re the other plants doing? Improving at all?


The g13s roots and leaves have improved but it’s pretty stunted, no new growth. The rest of the auto seedlings are doing good so far. I’ll do a res change tonight and lower the bleach dose to .1ml/gal.


I wouldn’t use clorox for sterilization as it’s sodium hypochlorite and about 4 other sodium based chemicals. Calcium hypochlorite aka pool shock would do better. I mix a stock solution of 2g pool shock to a gallon of water then use that solution at a rate of 3ml/gal unless there is root rot present then 5ml/ gal


I’m probably gonna order some poolshock when I get payed tomorrow.


Tiny seedlings don’t need fertilizers. They can grow a little before they need any. I guess waiting a while might allow it to recover and if you want to add the calci nit and Mg use them with RO water.I normally prefer to add a complete mix at very low dosage. Good luck

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Walmart under $5. I caught a sale and got 2 bags for 6. I’ll never need to buy it again lol one bag will last you till old age


This one?

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I do believe so make sure it’s calcium hypochlorite and not sodium. Plants don’t like salt to much lol


Says 58% calcium hypochlorite the rest is listed as “other”

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That’s the stuff

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Nice, cheaper than a bottle of clorox too.

To much N. Change your water

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Look up what’s in Clorox and you’ll see why I say it’s a bad choice. Hell I’d use pool chlorine before that stuff.

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How strong do you mix the solution and how much do you use per gallon?

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2 grams powder to gallon of water then that solution goes in the nutes at 3ml per gallon of volume

@corey I’m thinking it’s that and the clorox that’s causing the problem. All the sodium in the clorox plus the nitrides in it.


Absolutely! I agree

I’m thinking also those could be too much nutes for that tiny plant icon_e_confused|nullxnull, do you know how many ppm are going there? :sunglasses: