Name your plants

Since the very first seed I planted I have always named my plants. Seems like we all enjoy the crazy, odd, interesting names put on different varieties such as Alaskan thunderfuck, or whatever, but does anyone else besides me name my plants individually? I have a Ophelia, Bertha, and Eliza, growing right now and really enjoy myself doing so😂. For me, it personalizes each plant as they all are individuals just like any other plant or animal, or human. Am I the only one that does this?


I call them pheno 1,2,3, etc . That’s about it . :wink:


I had a male plant temporarily in the cupboard under the stairs while I was waiting for some pollen, so I called Harry, after Harry Potter who lived under his uncle’s stairs.

I usually identify them with their peculiarities, like wonky leaf Tut that had misshapen leaves or skinny branches big nosed Kate, runty for the small ones wide load for the big ones, long legs Lenore for the tall ones. I try not to give them real names, I feel bad enough executing them at chop time as it is lol.


Well I don’t name them but I talk to them , I play blues for them , I ask the garden fairies to watch over them and help them grow
Hell I am old hippie I love my plants
Now maybe I should name them


I used to name mine, now I dont. If I ever start cloning and working a specific plant them I will name them again but for now I can’t think of enough names for all the autos


Good night Westley, good work. I’ll probably kill you in the morning.


Growing up on a small family farm, we never named animals we were gonna butcher and eat. The breeding moms/dads had names, but we didn’t eat them.

As for plants, I call them phenotypes or phenos for short… that could include numbers and/or letters, too.
I do name any crosses that I make, it helps make it easier to keep track of what is what.


the afghan #1 I got is now referred to as The OX…its like a OX stubborn as hell to grow and built like one. I swear it was plucked from the field of afganistan and dropped here.


@bandit306 that’s exactly how a plant should be named! I’ve named a plant after an x girlfriend that was stubborn as hell and I’ve even renamed some after they start spitting flowers out such as Sloppy Susan, Lanky Lilith, Chunky Chelsea, Harry Mary and many more :joy::joy::joy::nerd_face::nerd_face:

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@Shadey good name! And it makes sense as well

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@Papalag I have friends that play music for their plants and swear it makes them happy. Who doesn’t like music?


puddles cookie peaches temarable bunni big boobs haha a whole line up


I started naming them initially, but when I stopped - they started naming themselves. :crazy_face:
This grow - they started as Doc 1, Doc 2 & Doc 3 but ended up as Little Sister, Silver Dancer and Mirkwood.



@Bob13 if you ever need help naming them just ask and I’m sure we all can think up something


…don´t give names to your food…that´s what i´m used to as well! since i consume/smoke my plants,i´d never gave em names.