Nearing the end of flowering as a first time grower and I am not sure if some things are normal

Those look like buds at week 3-4. So I totally agree with @DougDawson and @HolyAngel that you atleast have 4 weeks to go, but for a proper finish I would say 5-7 weeks left depending on the cultivar.

Pz :v:t2:

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i dont want to be negative here… not sure if you sprayed something but im more worried that you might have bugs (can you look with a loupe under your leaves?)

regarding the health/condition of your plants:

who knows what those yellow leaves might be (tons of different variables have been non ideal so, ph, low N feed, light, root isues, etc. could be a combination of things or just one thing) but they are alive, they dont look that rough to be honest, so its worth it to just keep going until harvest.

if youre doing inorganic, honestly, the best advice i can give if youre new is to switch to a single 20-10-20 feed like Peters or Jacks, its the best base line to start with, and once you get to know the strains that you like to run, youll be able to adjust that. the more you have your variables under control the easier it will be to identify the real cause of issues later on (and a base feed like a 20-10-20 is great for that).

oh and this, ill def second. i had not seen those outlets on the floor lol.


I can’t stop wondering… you may be confusing the hairs (stigmas) with trichomes?


The hairy part in the foreground are stigmas, trichomes are the small glittery stuff you can see on the small leaves in the background.

The hairs seem to start changing colour. I doubt you have amber trichomes at this stage. Trichomes are tiny, you need a microscope or at least a loupe to check them.

Just a thought, sorry if I’m mistaken. As the others said, you have several weeks left for sure.


There are no pests currently but during one of the times I had to bring it outside it got some pest damage. I wasn’t sure exactly what it was but neem oil took care of the issue and I haven’t had any pests since. I totally forgot to mention that!


Thank you for your response, I immediately went and secured the outlet to the side wall. I don’t know what is wrong with me lol


No worries lol, it’s easy to overlook/miss things. It happens to all of us :slight_smile:

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I didnt find that negative at all, any feedback I receive is much appreciated. I am definitely going to keep going until harvest I just wanted to paint a clear picture of how terribly I have been caring for them.
I had previous pest damage and my first post on here was actually asking for help about spots on the same plant. I don’t have any pests now but the damage is still there
As far as the feed goes I will defintly adjust before my next grow, I appreciate the suggestions. And yes to the outlet, it is secured up high now thanks to all of you. Slightly embarrassing but glad to learn. Thanks again for your response !

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you are completely correct, I was calling the hairs trichomes. Thank you so much for informing me . And thank you for your response!


Alright, then you have weeks to go. The hairs try to catch pollen and if they do, they turn brownish. But if there is no male plant around they recede anyway at some point. You are just at the beginning of this process. Your buds will get bigger too.

To look at the actual trichomes, you might want to get a jeweller’s loupe or a cheap USB microscope. You won’t be able to tell their colour with the naked eye. But there is quite some time left before they will be turning milky and then amber.

Good luck for your flowering phase! :seedling:

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@Cannabel I have to say, from that story you’ve done well to have any plants at all right now.
:clap: :clap: :clap:
And while you might still be learning, it’s clear that you’re willing to listen and put the effort in to make improvements.
So its really just going to get better from here on out.

Welcome to OG, hope to see you around for future grows!



@Cannabel how’s everything coming along for ya?

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Not awesome. I was going to make a new post today to update/ask for help again. Should I just respond to this one or make a new one? Sorry still learning the site. Also thank you for checking in!!!

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This thread should work I’d imagine. I believe whenever somebody (or you) types a reply, it should appear as new for everybody else, if im thinking right lol. I could be wrong though :upside_down_face:


flowering update

Looking very rough!

nearing week 8 of flower as a first time grower

discovered a mite infestation about a week ago, used @JohnnyPotseed mites thrips and aphids cure all recipe. (thank you to those who suggested!)

I ended up having to do 3 rounds which i think is what did me in. Now nearly all the fan leaves have shriveled up and fallen off and the buds are pretty small and weak looking. But i’m pretty sure all mites are gone. What’s super weird is how only one of my two plants( same age, diff genetics) got spider mites. The one that didn’t get them is doing very well and seems to be pretty healthy. Which is ironic because it was way smaller than the other one and i didn’t even prune it before flower. Anyways, I’m just watering it and trying to keep it alive but I’m not sure what to do/ how long to let it keep going. Any and all help is much appreciated.


ok i have posted it lol. thank you for your help:)

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