Need a new way to ingest! Any recommendations?

What’s up guys hope everyone is having an awesome Friday.

OK so let’s go to the meat and potatoes of this post.
Last week I got hit with a cold and now all week I’ve been coughing, accompanied by raspy breathing, a bit of anxiety for the cherry on the top when I’m coughing my lungs up. I finally made a doctors appointment and I got in there today and I told her how I got asthma (used to when i was a child) and they prescribed me some inhalers and I told the doctor I said look I was considering getting a medical marijuana card for my anxiety. (Not telling her that I’m a regular smoker.) I asked her if this was totally a bad idea she said right now I wouldn’t recommend it but in the future you could smoke marijuana she said let’s just try and clear up all that raspiness. She said she could hear raspiness throughout the whole lung. Her exact words were “your poor lungs.” That hit me pretty hard when she said that because I’m used to being able to take as many deep breaths as they need with no problems at all and buy the last one I was ready to fucking see stars. I’m a young man mid-20s this freaked me out I know I don’t have COPD and it’s not the end of my world of smoking but I would seriously like to stop smoking. I can’t say the same for getting high I fucking love getting high. And I don’t really smoke as much as I used to. I used to blow through about a quarter ounce a day wrapped in backwoods, nowadays it’s more like a gram and a half . I can smoke a quarter ounce on the weekend. That’s what I considered a lot nowadays.

To add insult to injury ive been toking all week with the cough. Even gonna toke a small hit right now. Sheesh who said pot wasnt addictinf again LOL! (Just a joke i know its not physically dependent)

Anybody make the switch from daily toker to ingester? How about the dry herb vaporizers? I bought a kind pen years ago and it was junk. I REALLY am stuck in my ways with toking up.
Ive tried rso, edibles, vapes, shittty dry herb vape, and i always go back to toking
Well anyways thanks for letting me vent. I appreciate all of you. OG’ERs


I like making Green Dragon tincture for my daily use. I’ll smoke a bowl later in the day but using the tincture keeps my pain at bay throughout the day without tearing my lungs up. Eating decarbed bud and edibles are another option that works well but start slow on dosage to prevent feeling overly medicated. Best of luck with the switch.


I would highly recommend a vapor bros vape box. Not portable but meh. Doesnt make you smell like a blunt or skunk butt either.


Edibles are cool and all but i so used to the instant effect of toking that the wait is almost unbearable i end up smoking and cant tell if the edible kicked in.
Rso is awesome but same thing takes a while to get off


Firefly is kind of the top of the line portable vaporizer ($$$), and I think it will handle flower or concentrate.
I loved my Arize Q desktop unit (way better price), and I’m actively looking for sales on Volcanos.
Smoking just isn’t ideal


I can deal with the non portable I rarely smoke outside or go anywhere.
Hows it hit? Very light mist or a thick fog?

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If only i could make a time machine and tell my younger self save some lung for later me who grows pot LOL.
Man i really used to overdo it with the backwoods… thought it was cool too. City life was a shame now that i look back at it

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Hits thick or invisible if you want it to. You can pick the temperature(s) you want by tweaking the nob.

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Its also is low odor, doesnt make you smell like a 9th grader walking around with a hidden weed bag in his pocket or joint roach. (Thats the number one reason i dont really smoke it anymore.) call me a snob but its nasty when someone walks by me after they just got done smoking combustibles and im high 24/7. Lol!

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If you don’t want machines then a dynavap smoked via bong with ro water in it does well.


Deleted my comment, I think missed the point. Good luck!

Ever since buying heavily tested live resin vapes, I’ve been healthier and can breathe better than smoking. Distillate made me cough up horrible. I actually found that live resin white widow 510 cart actually opens up my lungs and I can breathe better. Also you can try under the tongue aka tablingual. It hits as fast as smoking.


Tinctures work on the same principal.


00 sized cannabis capsules, to rescue tight lungs anywhere!
One in the morning, and we forget about waknbake.
Have one towards bedtime, very sound sleep!
I’m a 50 plus year smoker, so we find it a cool treat to just lay off the lung beating once in a while.
Just my $.02 webe


A joint is always going to hit differently because you’re burning the flower at a much higher temp. I know people who are really picky like that and only want to smoke joints.

…it’s not fair right?! Wiz Khalifa be smoking a 100 joints and day and he’s fine! :smiling_imp:

You’re going to have to get used to the fact that different consumption methods hit differently. And that some work better than others for you.

You could try using a combination of different methods. Maybe an edible for base-line dosage, then you can sneak a small joint from time to time but you don’t need to smoke so much ya know?

The quality, dry and cure of the flower you’re smoking makes the world of a difference too! Especially when you’re lungs are sensitive to begin with.

and don’t worry, you’re so not addicted until you really can’t breath, then use an inhaler just so you can smoke a joint and then can’t breath again :sob: :skull: .


It’s interesting you mention that. I actually had a pheno of a strain I bred, where even during a cold when I felt like I couldn’t breathe that well, I could smoke this and actually breathe better. It acted like a bronchodilator. Super cool!

… no idea what cannabinoids or terpenes lean towards that effect though.


honestly, get yourself a Volcano Vaporizer and low temp vape.

I have NEVER EVER heard someone say they were not happy with their 'Cano :sweat_smile:


Here’s the terps from the white widow

And cannabinoids

Brazilian Sativa Landrace x South Indian Indica Landrace


oh it’s so awesome you have that data. I wish I had my pheno tested as well. Very interesting! :100:

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I love this little device, the POTV One Dry Herb vape. I tried it with concentrates too, as in the pic, but this device is much smoother with dry herb. Just a nice alternative to burning flower, worth looking into :man_shrugging:t2: