Neptune Harvest during veg

A buddy gave me some Neptunes Harvest fish fertilizer that is 2-4-1. I have two clones about two weeks in, just about to top. He swears to just add the fish fertilizer but I’m concerned it is more for flowering than vegging. I do want to use it for the organic and other added proteins, but not sure if I should find a different product for veg since the N is lower. Anyone have insight?


A 2-4-1 NPK is more for veg, yes. And fish fertilizer is pretty good as well! I wouldn’t hesitate to use it, start with 1/2 dose.


I used it all the time, start slow, and if you want to up the N, blended with Alaskan fish to balance. Only increase by 1/4-1/2 dose at a time though. If you mix different liquid fertilizers, Add the fert to the total volume of water and mix well, one at a time. Don’t just put in the different concentrates into the jug and add water, some times there will be reactions or precipitation of the nutrients or chemicals


Thanks everyone for the input, really helpful! I ended up watering three clones. I added 1 tsp to half a gallon (bottle said 1 tbsp to 1 gallon). Each ended up taking a cup each because I didn’t want them to be sitting in the solution. Will see how it goes and update!


You’ll see a difference. I bought some to use for making AACT. I had some clones start to yellow on me, so I mixed up a gallon because that was all I had with N in it. They were noticeably healthier the next day, so I started using it regularly. I use 2tsp per gallon, and the plants seem to like it a lot.

There’s a KNF recipe for making your own Fermented Fish nutes. If I can find enough fish scraps, I’m gonna try it. :slight_smile:

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Did you use it into flowering as well? I’m glad I did not use the recommended amount on the bottle! I tend to err on the side of caution with fertilizers.

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That’s what I use to use. I had a combo going with Alaskan fish, Neptune, and a kelp extract. The kelp was basically just K, I used one or a combo depending what stage they’re at.

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