General Hydroponics Flora Nova. Anyone Use?

What say you? Worth it?

I’ve been looking for an easy feed that’ll give my plants everything it needs without having to brew anything. This is the soil I use. Veg in bioAll of course. Thx :facepunch:

Hate it? Whatcha got thats reasonable, and easy to use?

I have the full line of roots organic teas too, but do I just wanna use teas?


I did one round with it, was easy to use and pumped out some huge buds. It’s thick and goopy and kinda expensive though. I like Pure Blend Pro better at that price.


GH Floranova Bloom alone could be used from seed to harvest. It’s the Lucas formula. I’ve heard good things about it.
Same analysis could be achieved using GH Flora micro and bloom (8:16 ratio).
I use GH Maxibloom from seed to harvest.


G&H and Mills both have a 2 part work great

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Thanks folks :+1:


I run flora nova series. I use the grow in veg and the bloom in flower. Puts out some good stuff :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I grow in pro-mix bx so works great in there. I also use a bit of liquid koolbloom during flower!

P.s. don’t mind the yellowing on the leaves. This plant gave me issues from the get go :man_facepalming: but still pushing buds!


Good lookin stuff man :+1:

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Ok so I’ve been having an issue that looks like calmag deficiency

I talked to a guy about it and he asked me how I was amending my water since I use ro water and pro-mix bx (cocoa/perlite/peat). I usually just calmag my ro water to 150ppm, however he also told me that I should also add whatever the feeding schedule says on top of that.

So now that I got that info I am going to try it like this:

Ro water add calmag to 150ppm. Around 3-4ml/gal, then add my floranova grow at the 4ml/gal then add the 1.8ml /gal calmag then check my ph and adjust to around 6

Hopefully that fixes my issue. :pray::blush:

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Always add calmag first followed by floranova grow. There’s no need to add calmag once again.

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Yeah after I wrote that I thought Hhmm maybe I add both times up to 150 then the extra 1.8ml/gal at the same time then the grow or bloom :man_shrugging::blush:

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Just follow instruction on bottle brother.
1ml/ltr or 5ml/gal followed by floranova grow.
There’s no need to be adding it twice as long as you do it right the first time. :v:t3::slightly_smiling_face:


Yeah that’s what I was doing but now I’ve got a deficiency and it looks like cal or mag or both. So I’m trying to up it. And was told that in an inert media with ro water you need to bring it up.
Maybe I’m wrong :thinking:

I switched to the Flora Nova series and love it. I grow in coco, and aside from the Grow/Bloom bases, I also use Armor Si, CaliMagic, and Floralicious Plus. In mid to late flower, I add liquid KoolBloom.

2.5ml Si
2.5-4ml CaliMagic
5ml Grow or Bloom; 4ml Bloom week 6-7, 2.5ml week 8+
2ml Floralicious Plus
2ml Koolbloom after week 3 flower

I previously used the old 3-part with same additives, but I like the results of the Nova series a bit better. Nova series SUCKS if you run a drip system, but the old school 3-part my dad still uses, and it never clogs his lines.


Just to put it out there. I look at the schedules for the floranova series and there are 3 :thinking:

I run by the light feeding and then there is the other 2 like aggressive etc.

I’m wondering which schedules you guys are going by :thinking: I use the 2 part with calmag and liquid kool bloom in flower

Also I’m using RO water as my tap water is at like 600ppm :man_shrugging:

I used to grow with tap water but seemed like it was causing some issues.


I’m using just what’s in the bottle, and nothing else. Everything looks good :+1: I might add something towards the end, or I might just see what keeping it simple does. I’m all about that.

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I wanted to get back to this, because I’ve been using at half strength with great results. I’ve harvested twice since using and my plants are always happy. The only other thing I add towards the end is some molasses. I’ve just been giving 1 tsp (per gallon) every other watering.

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