New and on the hunt

Hello OGers, AZsensi here from the desert. I absolutely love this welcoming community. I’m on the search for my all time favorites -Pre 98 Bubba, Chemdog, and something garlicky or cheesy. If I’m doing this wrong please let me know, still trying to figure it all out.


May I suggest you try the Trading Post and put out your request.
You of course would have to have seeds to trade.
We love giving out seeds here but being a newbie it is a little rough just asking for seeds expecting a certain strain. Especially if they are hard to obtain.
Get to know everyone, post about yourself and be a part of the community and I am sure you will find what you desire and a lot more.

Peace to you and yours…… OJ


Just keep posting, engage with the community, be chill as you have been. Time and consistency go a long way here. If you have images of a grow, share them, if you are designing a grow space, talk about it. You’re doing the right things, just need to give it some time. If you have any questions, feel free to direct message me! Positive Vibrations, @AZsensi !


@Sasquatch @Oldjoints Thank you for the reply. I actually do have some seeds to trade myself I’m just kind of looking for something new. I’m sure it’s hard to trust a newbie and I’m willing to be patient as possible to gain everyone’s trust, this forum is absolutely amazing to me from where I have been on Facebook. Happy growing


The key is to stick around let people get to know you and post


@anon98660487 where are you from?


Welcome brochacho stick around a bit and get to know everyone what you seek will eventually come to fruition.


Ireland but I live in Sf


omg don’t get me started on those facebook groups. Its amazing. Its like a glitch in the matrix where someone can post a question about growing weed and get 15 different responses that are all wrong. Then do this consistently over and over again. Idk if they are all day drinking or what :crazy_face:


There are Facebook Groups for growing the reefers?!?!?
Man, I am a dinosaur.
I hope you find what you are looking for.


They have a huge seed scammer page on Facebook as well lol
I’m a member you wouldn’t believe how many people get ripped off for seeds these days also memeber couple other groups in there but I don’t trade seeds on Facebook


U missed out on the bubba, @JohnnyPotseed had some in his Christmas sale, courtesy of @Bobgrows, think they are gone now though

I’m in that group too. Lol

One kind soul on here has actually reached out and is gifting me some. I’m beyond stoked, I’ve been looking forever. I miss that earthy funk of the Bubba


Very cool and OG of them!

Same as here. No one talks like they actually grow pot. It’s like spectators regurgitating things the government said about weed. Try asking how much and when to use potassium sulfate for example. Everyone knows to use it but can’t tell how much or when. Same with curing. Growing. Flavor. People just say whatever others say. It’s weird. Not a single person on here knows anything about their own advice.

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Some things are opinion based, trial and error, or whatnot. A lot of people just document/share their experiences. Sorry you couldn’t find the info you were after. There are other sites for you to spend your time on, if you don’t feel like there is anything valuable here

on a better note
welcome @AZsensi . I am also in AZ. By no means an expert, but willing to help out if I can :slight_smile:


@AZsensi I have a cross made from pre '98 bubba kush. I ran the '98 and found her to be slow growing, low yielding but very tasty and potent.

The clone only cross is with Moonshine Haze, it’s called Hillbilly Hobby and it was done for me by a world class breeder here in Colorado.

Many of my friends (who are some serious pot snobs LMAO) call it their favorite. Very energetic, heady, even spacy high unless you power thru the bowl- in which case she’ll put your dick in the dirt. Sweet citrus with a bit of fuel notes. Looks like the sativa dominant that it is; after all, the '98 was a sativa leaner too.

She grows like mad, a bit lanky and likes 9-10 weeks to fully mature. Yield is above average, even with the extra duration.

I’m looking for something that’s punchy but finishes in 7 weeks.

Lots of twenty20 fans here maybe someone has extras. Or findem on sale


No, I’d say you’re smart…

The more I am on OG, the less I bother with FB. Never looked up weed on FB, but its just drama and look at my meal posts, and gets old.

At least here your interactions will bring education as well :wink:

Well, I know how much Borax I use!

No wierder than people just saying things with no intent to help out and / or just to stir the pot? Just sayin, if most of your posts are complaints, and not offering advice, just how are you being part of the solution? I’d love to hear your tricks on growing, flavor, curing, but it seems like you either think nobody here is worthy of your knowledge, or maybe ya just aint got answers. Either way, your negative attitude really makes me wonder why ya stick around???