New here, what is this place about?

@Maelasae you can put the @ symbol and start to type who you want to talk to specifically if you want to try you can @Cactus and I will get back to you! Glad you are here and don’t worry about any dumb questions I have already asked most them :wink: and everybody was there to answer them! Very nice bunch :heart:


the people who dont like it here im guessing dont understand the concept of imitating success.


Well in fairness, that’s not really a good comparison. You get together with a group to do a giveaway and there is clearly going to be many more posts created than with a grow log. Growing is a slow paced, long term thing. So while it is true that giveaways and seed trading create more posts in general, they are mostly of no substance whereas the grow logs are full of useful and beneficial information. I for one have learned a ton from the amazing growers here and their grow logs. Have not learned much from giveaways other then them being fun and giving forks a chance to interact. So yes, in terms of importance, grow logs stand far above trading post stuff IMO.


Definitely some crazy volume here. Nothing wrong with seed trading, that’s how you get diaries and overgrow the world :wink:


That’s something to be proud of, imo. The OG overgrow, from what I understand it, was heavily based around the belief that trading/donating would “overgrow” prohibition, and it has, to some degree, almost 20 years later. Nothing wrong with that being a high percentage of the posts.


Lots of growing knowledge and some seeds review. This group has helped me find rare seeds with the exception of one. :wink:


Don’t get me wrong, I agree with you that there is nothing wrong with it.


Welcome @Maelasae . One or two honest welcomes besides myself. @TopShelfTrees and @shag 1 won’t lie till they get to know ya. Just kidding, but they know that. Lots of down to earth folks here ready to help. Lots of love and GREAT genetics.
You said a tent. What size you have there? A new light too, that’s cool. If you ever get in trouble,don’t panic and do anything too crazy. Some excellent plant doctors here. Might help you salvage your grow with all that time, love and $ you put in. I’ve only been growing indoors, in a tent, maybe 2 1/2 years. Outdoors before before that. Still have issues. Still get help here.
Get good at taking and posting photos for us to see so we can help. Don’t worry. Nobody is going to give you the “dude…you ruined your plants. Bummer.” Or whatever. Don’t lower yourself to their level.
PEACE, Crownpoodle


Leave him alone you tool :rofl:
@Redrum92 @cannabissequoia is a cool bloke. He just likes fucking with people. It’s usually me. :rofl:


Welcome @Maelasae !!!


All in good fun :slight_smile:


Perhaps the fairy pic was appropriate after all lol.


Ha ha touché @Shadey buddy touché :rofl:


Plain and simple…this place is about community!
Here is a group of cannabis enthusiasts that love to talk, share, and grow all kinds of things. The amount of resources that you can find here is amazing. The people are awsome. The mods do a great job. Negativity is almost non-existent.
I really can’t put it more blunt(pun intended :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:) than that.
I love this place. I’ve quit hanging around all other forums. Welcome my friend! :slightly_smiling_face:


Welcome, I will leave you a link to help you fathom the depths of OG…


LOL, right… push 'm into the deep end …on the first day… :laughing: :vulcan_salute:

@Herbie has it right, there’s a ‘metric ton’ of great info here to explore.
It’s like Stoner University here…



A metric ton of “great info”. Is bullshit a metric increment?


Welcome _ be prepared to make friends , learn, and test seed by members Glad you found this site

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Welcome aboard. I’ve not been here much longer than a month, myself. Got a kick outta your quote above.

About a month or so back I finished a grow of some 7 year old seeds i was testing. Two in a 6 oz. red solo, i moved back and forth from the window sill to the table lamp at night for a month or more.

Then, at about 12" tall i pulled 'em, i dried the leaves and got maybe … I dunno, i’m a weigh it now, just for the record…k, it’s .9 grams. I might even roll 'em up and take a puff or two, green leaf. I got them from probably brick weed, cuz the father plant was 8ft tall, if that’s indeed the father, and the neighbors gave me about a half oz of female buds w/about 100 seeds i cleaned out of it. I assume the buds were from the same family. So sativa for sure, and probably Mexican brick, but I can’t trace it to that assumption at all. I have the journal (kind of journaled it as a joke). But it’s on another board, and I was kind of told not to post it here, so hey, when in OG, do as the OGdens do.

So, i hope those plants can grow up big and strong (strong, see what i did there) for ya. Enjoy OG, I am. :slight_smile:

Wow, great> Notebook

there, Herbie.

I gotta fave that one, thanks.

cannabissequoia Thanks for the history link. Wow!