New projects coming up

so, I haven’t been very active for quite some time now. been looking and watching though.

still been growing. not satisfied with my results. my issues, mothers. they seem to peter out after a year or sooner. I think I need to look into better care techniques for them. because of this I bought a tissue culture kit. a few months ago… in July I will be starting to experiment with it. and I am going to post how it goes.

also, I have not been happy with the flowering party of my grows. the only problem I have is temps. I grow in my garage. it’s insulated but not heated. no matter what I have tried, it’s too cold in the winter and summer is OK, but things can get too hot. I’m taking a chance and selling most of my last harvest to set up a insulated heated and cooled room in the back of the garage. and a friend wants to help me set up an aquaponics table instead of my dwc buckets. he has worked with it before so I am letting him design the setup. I will be putting the setup and grows in a new thread. that also will start in July.

I am nervous about how well this is going to work. but, no risk, no reward right? I might need to run my dwc at the same time lol.

one thing I need help with is building lights. I want to build two four foot lights. the guides show light strips that show 0 available on digikey. so if anyone could help figure out what parts I need to get, that would be super appreciated.


Will be following. I would like to see how this culture thing works.

:green_heart: :seedling:

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I would consider commercial fixtures. Dollar for dollar…

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Type “DIY light” into the search engine. There are some really good reads there.
I cant remember the one I’m thinking of, but @JohnnyPotseed would know. Maybe he can point you in the right direction.

Oh, here’s one I bookmarked that has some good links in it.


@Mr.Sparkle has a tute thread on the LED DIY. He also was kind enough to walk us through building them.


That’s who I thought. :+1:

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if you’re struggling, why make it more complicated?

if you want to make a change, what about going simpler?


I know that room Temps and water Temps are my issue. I had a grow tent in my garage, not very easy to maintain good Temps. so I am building a proper room in the garage. while talking to a few people, a guy I know has run aquaponics with other plants and offered to help me set it up and run it. I said why not lol.