New room. New lites

Howdy og. It’s great to be back. Love this community. Been lurking and reading. Love you all. So I have a few questions. I’m wondering what everyone is using to cover their grow room walls with and what’s best. Black and white poly? Mylar? Diamond Mylar or just flat white paint? Tell me what ya got lol.

Also I’m old school. I’ve never ran anything besides a hps. But I’m looking into switching over to leds. I’ve got my eye on

I have a 4x4 room. A 4x4 veg room. And a 5x9 flower room. How many of these would you put in each room? I’m thinking 2 side by side for each small room. And 4 in my bloom room. Is this enough?

Thank you for the replies take care
Dankity dank


For simplicity and Cheapness the Flat white is by far superior if you dont have a tent yet.I personally feel the flat white does better at reflecting light in a more even application without any hotspots


Nope no tents. I’m half a carpenter. So I like to build my rooms. Don’t ask my why but I kinda find peace in my lil grow spot lol

And I’m a cheap ass so I’ll probably go with paint just Cus it’s easy lol


Using a tent but white poly makes for easy cleanup Throw a piece on the floor too.


kind of pricey these days, but that white board they use in restaurant kitchens, ect… is water proof for wash downs…

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I added this to my indoor flat white paint, for added protection


So I use 2 XS1500’s in my 2x4. If it were me, I would go with 4 of those in a 4x4 and it should do ok. That will give you 600 watts of light compared to 500w with 2 of those XS2500’s. You can daisy chain them together allowing you to control all 4 from one of the setting knobs. :v:


agreed. I definitely prefer flat white paint. It holds up and is easy to clean/disinfect.

I built my fair share of rooms out of black & white poly (before grow tents were a thing). It’s great for a quick, cheap room but it doesn’t hold up longer term IME.
The poly plastic becomes very brittle over time and starts to easily rip. Maybe it holds up better under LED’s though. I was always using MH and HPS back then (more UV).


I like good old plain white paint :art:, it’s always easy to slap :wave: on n a new :new: coat :coat:. :blush::wink::ok_hand::+1::facepunch::sunglasses::peace_symbol:


Flat white paint here.

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I don’t use anything but stained walls.
Once I understood the inverse square rule
It seemed in effectual at best.
But to each their own .
Nice light.

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Just a light I’m lookin at. I still got a 600 watt hps and a 400 hps. Looking to upgrade but don’t know much about led other than that they claim their cheaper to run ?


One of the most important things I’ve noticed about LEDs is that they run cooler. Especially during the winter months it was hard for me to keep a temperature that the plants liked during the winter. I just bought more lights and cranked them up to 100 to get the room up to 80° haha. There has to be a better way than buying more lights. Maybe just have the 600 blazing away in a corner to keep the room warm. :joy:

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I had considered running my old hps for heat in winter as well, but ended up using a temp. controlled 1500w space heater… Led is cheaper to run except for winter…


Yeah I kind of depend on my hps lights for heat in my rooms too, is it a substantial difference in your power consumption from LEDs to hps?


Yeah I never really thought of that. But as I told trickster I kinda depend on my heat from my light. So now I’m doing some :thinking: thinking


I am running a 600+ and 4 300s on various powers 24 hrs a day. I’m probably pulling less power than a single 1000w hps. I don’t even notice the led blip on my electric bill even at 100% on all lights.


I’m running 3 -600s and 4- 300s and my light bill
Is nothing, in spring when no heat or ac is needed
My bill runs around 55 dollars.
I’m in the country so I don’t get the Nicole and dime shake down the city gets
No storm water, waste water, garbage pick up etc
And I’m on a well so all for is electric.


That would be awesome. I have one 300w light and my electric bill runs 170-200 depending on how hot or cold it is outside.


I can vouch my plants seem to love the light I’m using ( the same brand as the one in your screenshot )

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