New To The Forum Guy Grow

Have some Useful seeds going now. Dropped these seeds in water for 24 hours on the 19th of April, plus or minus a day or two. Have Chocolate Skunk, Blueberry Dub, Chem 4 x Bag of Oranges, Chem 4 x Chocolate Diesel, Double Dipped Strawberries, GMO x CD, and Orange Cookies x CD. Just grow for myself and to take care of a few friends. Mostly just for myself. Like messing around making edibles and I’m saving flower for when I buy a press and freeze dryer. These are in five gallon Hempy’s. Perlite (75%) and vermiculite (25%). Jack’s 321 with Drip Clean and Tribus. Use tap water. My tap comes out 7.2/130 ppm(500). I add some ascorbic acid powder to the tub of water and let it sit for a bit. Feed comes out to 2.1 ec and about 1050 ppm(500). pH to about 5.9ish, but I’ll mix it up a bit. 2,000 actual watts of LEDs, but I dim them down. I’ll flower out about a 5’x10’ish area. Have one who’s behind, because he kept his helmet on for a long time before I got in there and took it off.


Everything’s looking super healthy and happy, @UtahGetMeTwo. It’s going to get really crowded in there, so keep that air moving at all times!


Goodness thats gonna get full. Your going to look like my tent last grow.


Thanks all! It’s a room that’s about 12’x11’ with at least 8’ ceilings. Have a 20” Hurricane Pro oscillating fan up high and a 16” Hurricane Pro floor fan where the blade itself oscillates. Have 6” and 8” AC Infinty exhaust, dehumidifier, humidifier, and so on. I’m pretty good on how much space they’ll take up and air movement.


Welcome @UtahGetMeTwo , looks like you have things pretty dialed in. Looking forward to seeing you flip those over to flower soon. Some nice strains.

Happy grows my bro


It’s gonna get tight! I’m loving it.

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May want to invest in a machete so you can clear a path to the back of your tent later on but I’m excited to watch the jungle grow.


This is a room in a house. This is not a tent or tiny area. This room is at least 12’x11’ with minimum of 8’ ceilings. I have enough lights to cover the whole room if needed. There’s central heat and air, there are fans, there’s a dehumidifier, there’s a humidifier for when needed early on, portable ac to get things down for finishing and drying, and so on. These plants are currently covering about a 5’x5’ area and they’re about to get tomato cages thrown on them. Next week I’ll throw up a pic with them spread out in the room. Hopefully that will put some minds at ease. Ha.


Dropping the temps down a touch. I’ll slowly bring them down to about 70*-72*/30%-40% RH by chop. Start up at 80*-82* for most of veg. Rh starts up around 80% and then I bring down. 70s for three weeks of veg or so and then I start bringing it down as needed throughout the cycle.

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When are you going 12/12?

About a week or so. Just letting things get shaped out to fill the space.

Yep, eight arms on most. Topped some other tops to try to even up the canopy as much as possible with a bunch of different strains from seed. One I left with ten.

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Threw tomato cages on there. Makes supporting flowers easy and I can move the plants around no problem. It also helps me visually to keep them a little more narrow. I like to grow them flat and wide usually. Ha. I’ll throw the shortest plants in the center spots where the most light hits since they’ll be down low. Then the other plants on the outside can still get solid amounts. I have bar lights, so it’s a pretty even spread already, but always a bit more dead center.


Those are some amazing looking plants. Looks like you are new to OG, but not to growing. Your rooms also sounds plenty BIG. I’m sure I’ll learn something as I follow along. Welcome to OG! :green_heart:

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Looking good there Utah! My sister lived in Provo for a while, she calls it Utard :rofl::rofl: them suckers are huge for a month of growing, you’re doing something right, welcome to OG! I’ll be enjoying watching this grow if ya don’t mind.
Edit: Utah is a gorgeous state with the best places for hiking. I wasn’t hating Just funny what my sister calls it lol

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Welcome, looks like you have your method down! Good work! Everyone looks really happy.

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Now this is a real deal micro grow ! Let it rip. I’m in!

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