Newer to breeding how long will a male produce pollen for

So I have a breeding pach I am working on out back and my male farmers wedding is way ahead of most my female. All but one are just starting to flower. One is like 4 weeks in now. The question I had is how long with the male throw pollen for. Like will it produce enough till the girls catch up or should I try to collect it. Some of the sacs are opening now but a lot haven’t yet. Also side not it’s supposed to rain for the next like 5 days and I am worried the moisture will sterilize the pollen. Any help would be appreciated please. All the plants are photo periods and I am in New England area.


In my garden, the males usually show flowers before the females. The male will continue to drop pollen for several weeks.

Rain will neutralize the pollen that’s already dropped, but the male flowers that are closed will be fine. They will continue to open after it rains and drop more viable pollen. The female flowers that have already be pollinated will not be affected by the rain. Once they are pollinated and start making seeds, which happens quickly after exposure, a little rain doesn’t affect the process negatively.

Good luck!


@Tracker thank you I have a general understanding of breeding. Just wasn’t to sure if the male would last till the females hit that ripe time sense most were just starting to flower and only have a couple white hairs. Thank you again.

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When I keep a male outdoor that starts in the raised bed, I dig it up and transplant to a container or 5 gal bucket and keep it separate from the females. Then, when the females have more pistils showing, I bring the male over and shake it over the females. I do that for a week or two, then dispose of the male.


It depends on the genetics but most 8-10 week lines will have males throwing pollen for a good 3-5 weeks depending.


Collect some pollen to hedge your bet that the males will be throwing pollen when the ladies are ready.


Thank you @HolyAngel @Tracker @Tejas for the information. I am going to definitely collect a bit of pollen when it’s dryer out just to be safe. Yeah the farmers wedding strain I made on accident with my mom and a buddy generally runs 8 to 9 weeks which is the male and also have 3 females of it in there to but I got a lot of strains in that patch besides them. I have another post on the outdoors patch but just never really found much on my research about how long they through pollen for. Thank you all again


Greetings @Officialpassionfarms,

Solid advice above, you should be good on timing.

On the other hand, nothing but rain predicted all week here in Cape Cod!!! Don’t know where you are, but no pollenation goin on here for awhile.

Best of Luck,

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@GrouchyOldMan yeah I am in the south western corner of CT says the same here bunch of rain so I am going to try and collect Some pollen to be safe when get a day where it’s dry. Thank you

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