When to pollinate my outdoor plants?

Getting ready to try my luck at pollinating an outdoor Blue Tara plant from @schmarmpit I have with some pollen that I have collected from a very resinous Goji OG f2 male I have found. Most of my experience is in indoor growing and haven’t done much outdoor growing besides last year I had a Euphoric f2 from GGG that I had but she was eating up by caterpillars . So back to the point when to try pollinating. My thoughts so far is I need probably 48 hrs of dry conditions meaning no rain for the pollen to do it’s thing successfully. Also I am thinking right after sunset to actually apply the pollen to the plant would be the best time to try. I’m wondering what everyone thoughts and expirence are on making seed with outdoor plants.

Blue Tara female to be pollinated thank you again for sharing these .
Goji OG f2 pollen donor. I’m really hoping I can make this happen as soon as I get some dry weather.


Not sure if you foots worry about how long you have before you have to harvest or not but I pollinated and outdoor BBH last week as soon as it had enough flowers to do so. I did it on a sunny day between 2 days of rain and it looks like it took to me. I am worried I won’t have enough time before freezing so I did it as soon as I could.


hope you get some seed before it’s back to the cold only need 4 good weeks to get some well developed seed. BBH is that blackberry haze?


No it’s BlackBerry Hammer from JOTI.


Bro no need to overthink it. Hit that pretty girl with some pollen, just use a clear bag with the pollen in it on 1 branch or the whole plant if you are trying to keep other females seedless cuz that stuff gets all the ladies prego

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Yeah I know I was getting my stuff to do it last night and it started raining again. I’ve got a very small amount of pollen so I will probably only get one chance just want to give myself the best odds at success and I was really just wondering what everyone else does.

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in my opinion, early and often.
The best possible method is to have a live male right next to the female, doing the pollination naturally.

In my experience, selective pollination is a risky proposition. If you only hit a small amount of the pistils, and your timing is off, or an environmental condition prevents pollination, that’s it. Your one shot was a bust.

I think it’s much better to make a full pollination. That way, if conditions are not ideal, and the pollination is not %100 successful, you are still likely to get enough seeds.


After a harsh lesson learned in 2019, I either grow sinsemilla, or I go all out and grow for seed.
I trusted another local grower with some very rare clones, on the condition that he would use them for breeding by pollinating them with fresh cut flowering branches from my males.

It was a mid 80’s Oregon Blueberry (the original black market blueberry cut before dj shorts name was affiliated with it), and the original mid 80’s pacific northwest northern lights cut. the original northern lights, before it was used for breeding in amsterdam.

That grower didn’t use the fresh male branches right away, which affected pollen viability. instead he waited until very late in the season to pollinate, and didn’t pollinate the whole plant. Then he used a different male for a second round of pollination, meaning any seeds would technically be mystery genetics, and therefore useless for serious breeding work. He only got a few non viable white seeds.

Of course, it was a joint project so I share the blame, but what a disappointment.


Well I painted up some Blue Tara flowers with the Goji pollen I had saved. Hopefully here in a couple days I will be able to tell if it took or not. I really hope it works but really I just want to figure out how to save and store pollen for future use this is just a test to prove if what I’m doing is going to work or not.

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