Nitrogen Boost?

Which should I add to this recipe for nitrogen boost?

Do I even need to add anything?

Should I do a cover crop instead?


Wouldn’t add any of it. You talking dte vegetable garden 4-4-4? That’s what I use. I do not see kelp meal on your list. That’s slow release n. But all together that program should be fine. Recharge every week or 2 also. You should be good. All of your soils are preloaded. Keep that in mind. I usually only use half what they say n plants love the mix. I mix mykos in the whole mix too instead of just at transplant hole roots seem to take over pretty quickly this way.


Yeah DTE veg garden. I think one of the soils is pre mixed with kelp meal and some other N boosts, just didn’t know if I’d need more before flip to flower.

And I’ll try adding the mycorrhizae in the soil mix too, thanks!

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The more stuff grows at once, the better.
It’s LIFE that improves your soil, more than any amendments ever will.

Also relax.
It’s called weed for a reason.
It needs less than you think.
It grows in deserts remember.


And I assume FFHF and FFOF are Fox Farm stuff?
Avoid that nonsense and get pure compost instead.
Compost creates more life, shit from a bag of which the company doesn’t even list their ingredients on the website is dodgy and probably full of synthetic ferts which does not encourage microbial and fungal growth AT ALL, on the contrary.


I would second cover cropping like @Rogue said. If your worried about nitrogen you could use legumes as a nitrogen fixer.
I know good compost can be hard to find sometimes so if FF is the best you can get to start go with it. Aren’t they OMRI? I know it’s hokus pokus but at least it’s something?

Just amend from then on with natural inputs and the life should build up I would think.

Highly recommend a worm bin if you don’t have one.


I was under the assumption they were organic? First time growing and it had a lot of things I wanted to be in the soil in both so I was mixing them with roots soil I have and ewc.

These were the listed ingredients on the bag.

(Fox Farms Ocean Forest)

(Fox Farms Happy Frog)


I’d say your good @Habibi.
I would go water only for the first few weeks and see how they do before you start feeding anything soluble.


Don’t sweat it, it’s a great bagged soil. Not everyone has good compost available so people need to remember that. Those 2 bags/brands are good soil to grow weed in. Just watch your plants carefully and only give them what they need.


Alright, maybe I was a bit too skeptical. :sweat_smile:

I’ve seen some really dodgy shit being sold as “organic” but this looks ok!

I wish companies would post more in depth information on their websites and be more transparant.


I’ve heard ocean forests been running on the acidic side lately so you might want to check and adjust your amendments accordingly if necessary.


Soil definitely varies from the smaller companies, I was getting CoM Stonington for a while that was super heavy and wet, the mix was off or something. So there’s for sure variation bag to bag


Totally! I had a few bags last year I got for the house plants and it was super wet and burned a lot of my plants. Also the fungus Gnat thing. bad fungus gnats thing