Nitrogen deficiency? Root bound

Ok it’s my first grow so be gentle, is this possibly root bound? Nitro Def,
3 gallon pots, and 2 gallon, they’ve been in veg for too long(I stunted them)


Could be nitrogen but there is no way that is root bound. You could grow a tree in that pot. What else can you tell us bud? What’s the medium? What you been feeding it?


I got beef witchu Doug :joy::joy: where this at on my posts huh

My guess is nutrient lock out due to over watering. If your watering is dialed in then maybe the PH of the medium needs checking. :v:t4:


I figured it wasn’t rootbound, it’s ocean forest soil, W/ 50/50 coco/perlite, then the genius I am whilst high, I added spaghem moss, and diamosticus(but not knowing these can throw ph off)… I use advanced nutes whole pain of a line micro, bloom, grow, b-52, and fish shit every watering (shits pretty nice) recharge once a week, and mycos WP.
I have terrible water that I use that 5 stage PUR water filter that gets the ppm to 0, but shoots the Ph close to 10, also Calmag for whatever said filter takes out. Thanks for any help

Also I have 4 fans in my tent, and the Temps have been upto 95… Its insane
Lights kingbrite “320” watt grow bar, rapid led 3 COB fixture, and a ChiLed V4 puck

95° is to hot! try keep it below 80°

If the ph is 10, there’s no way you ppm is 0. Something is buffering it up from 7.0. I hate to say it because of the waste, but have you thought about the 2.5 gallon jugs of steam distilled water? The added sphagnum moss can compact down over time, try adding a few worms to each container too.

Looking at the growth on your upper leaves, I feel like your light intensity might be a little high. How your new growth looks is what I associate being to close to a t5 with. If your running all those cobs and the bar led and the pucks, your probably over doing it. How big is the space your using? I’ve got a 315 cmh, and 2 mars hydro ts1000 in my 4x8, and all are mounted at roof level, and I can still over saturate my tent when my plants are small fairly easily. I start out just the cmh, then add in the leds turned low as the plants grow.

How often are you watering and how much? That size container in my tent gets about 1 quart every 3 days, maybe 2 if its extra hot and dry. Its ok for your soil to not look damp. Too much water and the roots can’t get the oxygen they need, which can give plants like yours, stunted with dying lower leaves.

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They look hungry. I’d feed em.


Hate to disagree but with all that food I doubt they will be hungry, those old bad looking leaves are the past, new growth looks fine so I would just trim the ugly looking leaves, lower nutes and double-check pH and ppm from water and runoff … beer3|nullxnull


Buffer that water with something after it comes out of the filter before checking pH. Or check your pH meter. 10 out of a filter doesn’t seem right.


Check your run off it will tell the story.
PPM,s probably be through the roof also ph will be whacked .


Recalibrate your ph meter. Or get a new one.


Hey bud, so as others have said I see a couple things here. PPM 0 and PH 10 makes no sense. Get yourself a PH drop kit to verify your meter. I use a drop tester all the time to back up my meter readings. I trust the drops over the meter in the end, it’s just not as precise. How often are you watering? If you are watering too often that could cause this. I would let them dry some, get your PH under control and see what that does. If you do too many things all at once you won’t know what fixed it. The heat also is very high but they don’t look too stressed by it although finding a way to bring it down some would be good for them.

You having some issues bud, got a link?

I don’t think they look that bad. Maybe a bit hot in there. The bottom leaves look like senescence. Probably could use a nice feed and cooler air. From what I can tell on my tiny phone. lol

Actually got a sort of closer look. Seems like you have been fucking with the ph. Flush the shit outta them. Then just use some plain water that you’ve let sit to evap the chlorine. Don’t ph water again right now if that is soil. If hydro soilless mix. Flush with plain water then ph final water along with good feed. I would try that first. They don’t look root bound to me


Do not fuck with ph in soil!!! I can not stress this enough! The soil is a natural buffer. I don’t care what the ph is on your tap water. Stop with the filter! Leave water out to evap any chlorine and use that. Also, too much fert. They don’t need to be fertilized every watering. Like once a week only. You are doing too much. Right now, use my advice above. Flush, flush, flush regular water!!!


So I am not a soil grower and do realize that soil buffers your feed but have you not come across soil that is too alkaline or acidic? I have seen growers throw all sorts of stuff into their mix and ruin the soil PH so I have to ask. I seriously am curious about this and am lacking knowledge in this area.

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It can happen if overfeeding or not flushing now and then for salts when using hydroponic nutes on soil. It doesn’t happen often. He has ruined the soil at this point, by A. Using nutes too soon in soil. Bag Soil will break down and feed plants for almost a month before plants require nutes. B. It’s too hot in the tent. I almost reccomend pulling the plants out and starting with fresh soil, zero nutes until flower at this point and tap water only. You shouldn’t mess with the ph unless it’s obviously jacked up.

Basically he’s trying to grow hydroponically in soil and that never works out. If he wants to mess with ph and all of those hydroponic nutes he needs to use the right growing medium which for what he has been doing, it’s either promix or coco, not soil.


That makes perfect sense. I was just confused as I have seen people destroy their soil so PH was way off. PH is big for me as a coco grower but I do understand proper soil should deal with that for you. Just look around at nature, nothing ph’s the rain and things grow just fine. I appreciate expanding on that for me @Meesh , many thanks.

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Deffinetly ph problem causing a lock out of other nutrients as certain nutrients are only absorbed in a certain ph range.

Ph being out shows as deffifincies of many other nutrients

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