Nitrogen deficiency? Root bound

Rain constantly changes it’s PH, when I have a storm coming off the Caribbean(Atlantic) it’s around 7.2/7.4 PH and off the Pacific it’s around 6.2. I’m on the Pacific so the Atlantic storms travel across land before it reaches me so must play a part. The variables are pretty interesting. Luckily majority of my rain is off the Pacific :v:


I’ve been giving them straight water, well filtered, just through the tap, and they seem to be doing better, im going to put some lemon juice in the next watering, I think I might have been underwatering, and just build up of crap Adavanced nutes, and an asshole full of other stuff, I wasn’t really getting runoff until I got big enough saucers(wanted square ones, they cost too much) im weird

Side note. Does anyone’s else’s municipals water contain like a list of crap and its side effects? Depression, anxiety, thyroid cancer, I shouldn’t even wash with this poison.

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I have city/municipal water at one location.
Run through a clear-cased whole house carbon filter, it is simply amazing what kind of crap that thing catches, rocks, sand, asphalt, fiberglass cloth and some sort of rusty things that stain the white filter surface.
The city used to send water quality reports but I think they’re only online now.
Never varying ph 7.0 the last decade at least.

Here’s a thing about rain water, I’ve got readings of 5.3-5.5 from my rainwater catchment but it never seems to change my run off numbers.
So I was surprised how well the lemon juice pulled them down. And it didn’t take much so err on the light side.
Thanks to the poster who suggested that to me.

Water deeply till you have a decent amount of run off. Not only to flush it, but you should pick up and feel what the container feels like when it’s saturated. Then don’t water again till the surface starts to dry s bit and feels lighter when you pick it up. If you only surface water, your not getting full use of the soil and the roots don’t spread properly.

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Thanks for the information, and can you point me in the direction of this filter? I’ve seen whole house filters, at a few home stores, some chincy ones on Amazon(like the tap 1 I bought)

About the city water I was reading online on their website said that these laws haven’t been changed since 1940, and back then they didn’t know it caused all these affects, my whole family has thyroid conditions, my boss, several friends (males) have thyroid disorders, apparently this isn’t something this prevalent in males. Hy hypothyroidism turned into hyperthyroidism, which Is extremely rare, and nearly killed me. I blame this state(random musings)

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Just an Omni whole house filter.
In the US available at big box stores.
The 25 micron charcoal filters run about $20 and last 2 months, depending on use.
The clear case helps you judge when it’s time to change.


Reading your post further brings back memories of Hooker Chemical and all the lives and neighborhoods they destroyed.
Then we have the braindead Flint, MI politicians who ruined the lives of their constituents with their boondoggle plan to get out from under Detroit City Water.

You had better get a professional water test.
Probably check out a few posts here for a good facility.

Best of luck to you in regards to your health