No Genetic Difference Between "Indica" and "Sativa"

I wonder about that. I do know of physical difference between the the Indica and Sativa I’ve grown. The Indicas I’ve grown have been shorter, bushier and finish faster. The Sativas i’ve grown have been much taller, finish later. Perhaps tests were done on various pot plants that have been cross bred so much there is little to no difference. With so many crossing various plant,s that are the result of crossbreeding etc, etc, etc, it seems highly likely.

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This was a great read. Thanks for posting.
I am not only on the hunt for the Blues Brothers Strains; Now my quest begins for Bedica… :shushing_face:
Oh the perils of a Marijuana Enthusiast. :fist::sunglasses::metal:

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Until I built up a tolerance I would get a variety of string effects and then want to sleep no matter what I was smoking. With tolerance I noticed a difference in strains, but I often came across indicas that made me want to stay up all night and create an come up with new business plans… Then I reward more about curing and how whole indica and sativa talk was BS


I feel the difference lies between long-flowering vs. short-flowering varieties or equatorial vs. more temperate latitudinal varieties.


Yep. A lot of people are like that. No matter what my girl smokes (and she doesn’t smoke often), whether it’s an 85-day “Sativa” or a 63-day plant, she’s out in fifteen minutes.


@Jesus Interesting thought, and welcome! If you think you about plants and corals that’s a big determining factor in genetic diversity.

And welcome to the forum!


Anti-science rhetoric, as if the alternative is better. Maybe spirituality and positive intentions could have got us to space, cured polio, or built a smartphone lol.

Sometimes it feels like “quantum” is code for “I have no idea”. Imagine dogging on the science of botany while promoting quantum physics as the key to understanding.

Human genome was mapped a long time ago.

I don’t think there’s any evidence whatsoever that “soil life” has anything to do with “the high”. You can grow a clone in a sterile environment and that same clone in swamp water. It’s gonna do the same thing.


I feel the same I do eat oil in capsules and straight up oil works. But after doing them for a while you develop a tolerance :smirk:

I mean of corse there are differences between a Fatleaved Thai and ThinLeaved Thai aswell.

Everything Thai with 13 or 14 Weeks Flowering was not uplifting enough for me.
And the 15 or 16 Weekers made me sitting or standing, or laying on a sofa but not like taking a nap… This would been very hard to do, cause you are just on a Carussell ride.

So, yeah there is a difference between Indica Sativa.

Now comes the more compicated Part: One of My Vietblacks is as we know outcrossed to a Chinese. On this one i still can take a nap even with 15 week flowering…
As soon something is not pure, these clear differences vanish.

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Lol, these never ending threads and the people who think that their lack of sensitivity to how things feel, somehow means anything other than that they are insensitive.

All weed is the same. It’s just a bunch of jumbled up cannabis genes, doesn’t matter what you do it, what you feed it, or who you mate it with. It’s all just weed.
[For the less sensitive types; insert a large serving of sarcasm before the previous statement]


my take on that part: there are definitly different effects and to generalize that this is ‘made up’ is not correct in my opinion.

i have had a cutting of pinapple haze which was well grown and cured, when i smoke this stuff i get a kick in the ass and sleep is something far far away. on the other hand i like to grow “indicas/ Indicadominant” strains which i smoke half a joint and fall to sleep.

i guess it has to do with the different terps and cannabinoids but to say theres no difference in the highs is not correct.


I also am of the opinion breeders back in the catalog days began adding flowery overly detailed descriptions of the “high” to lend their products more credence and boost sales. Became sort of a meme within the community afterwards. If there’s 100 options, but people are probably gonna buy the one with the long detailed description touting the “effects”.

I do believe that people may be getting somewhat different qualities, in a genetic sense, same as some think cilantro tastes like soap, but I am firmly of the opinion that these differences are often massively overstated.

When dealing with a mildly psychedelic substance, it is so easy to be led astray with the subjective aspect. Give 10 people acid and ask them what it was like…you’re gonna get some different responses. Shit…any drug at all. Give 100 people a pint of booze and some are gonna laugh, some are gonna cry, some are gonna get angry. I think it’s very important to try to factor in preconceived notions, placebo effect, and power of suggestion…no one is “immune” to them.

Before I had heard of “indica and sativa” and “different effects” we just had weed. I got exactly as high from good bud as I did from mexi brick, it just took less. I had never noticed a difference. I didn’t stumble upon the idea until later when I started browsing weed pages.

I sincerely wish I did experience these different effects. It would be cool. But I can’t lie to myself either, I just don’t. Surely I am not alone, surely I am not some physically unique specimen. I’m a regular person.


yes similarities are there. its bouth: weed is weed to a degree. afghani has some similarities to thai yes, but its also very different and diverse. probably more than any other Plantspecies…

Thats why Biologists disuss if Lamas are just Acapacas (or however the similar SPECIES is called, forgot) and are same VERY DIVERSE Species.

Weed is on the diverse side of Spectrum.

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Its no claim. But a trust to scientists. And of corse my experience, wich is subjective

No, North America in particular, is very adept at breeding for insensitivity, so no lol, you are not alone.

Oh dang not those dastardly North Americans again.

It’s a pretty big place, my dude.

Yes it is a rather large insensitive place at times. Point?

Wow that’s crazy an entire continent composed of 23 different countries from jungles to arctic, oceans to deserts to mountains…an “insensitive” place. Over 500 million people live in NA. Nicaragua is gonna be a little different than Nunavut.

IDK where you’re from, but I bet it has no bearing on “sensitivity” to weed lol.

Triggered much lol.

The North America that I referred to was maybe the wrong term. So sorry, how about I use western culture, that’s even bigger, as the entity breeding insensitivity into its subjects. Not all will succumb to the dreary loss of caring. Some will escape the programming and hone their sensitivities despite the workings of the machine, but wait, was the point again…

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What is that word salad supposed to even mean? If you want to dog on “western culture” go nuts I just have zero idea what that has to do with anything at all.

Where is this utopia of caring and “sensitivity” located lol?