No Genetic Difference Between "Indica" and "Sativa"

Exactly the point right here my dude.

What is the point of this thread? I thought you were making the claim that there is no difference between Indica and sativa? I think that if you can’t sense any difference b/w these two types of cannabis, then it could be, at least in part, due to the overwhelming influence that western culture puts towards creating highly insensitive people that don’t care and don’t feel much.

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That’s a pretty wild, totally unsubstantiated claim to make.

“Western culture somehow made me unable to differentiate highs”.

C’mon man. That’s just absurd.

Where is this enlightened utopia that emphasizes caring and feelings?


Luxembourg is the caringest place on earth


It is located slightly below and to the left of your throat

My collarbones? WTF is going on lol.

@Foreigner known main exports are tires, iron, and machinery!

THEY CARE. I can tell when I drive on Luxembourg tires. The handling, the sensitivity.

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Cheers bud, have a godly day:)

I’d chalk this up to a difference in opinion, but I genuinely have no idea what you’re talking about.

And they’re organic too.

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I prefer my tires made with jungle harvested rubber.

Sure it’s bad for the rainforest but it’s organic, brah.


To be fair, the goal of science is to figure things out. Science is a continuing effort of our species to continually strive for truth using the best methods we can determine.

Also, the only reason you know about quantum anything is due to advances in science within the last 100 years. Credit where it’s due.


I can’t even do simple calculations in physics like trajectory. Therefore, I do not feel qualified to talk about quantum mechanics. I think so many people, since it seems like magic, are ascribing anything and everything to it without understanding a lick about it. People take a lot of liberties with it.

If I don’t know anything about elementary particle physics, I’m not gonna chalk up shit I don’t understand to “quantum” behavior.


yes… Science can on the other hand be missleading when it sees Patterns that are missleading. In Studyes, they often find just any kind of Pattern, per Example 70s Weed Samples were weak… Therefore any old Strain must have been weak…

You always have to question everathing one hears… Or its the Ego forcing peoples to just not tell their highest honest Truth…
Overall, yes science is insane, and there is passion behind it i think.

so, is this just another pointless study? its not compleete, you know. would they just test pure sativa, of corse the difference Indica/Sativa is prooven, but they tested dispensary weed.

So in truth its a nice thread to put our experiences in question, but … there is a bit missleading-quality to the title,

Yet, I haven’t seen a landrace sativa come close to anything modern.

ACE has posted data on a lot of their stuff.

Their best Honduran was like…11% THC?

It’s always something elusive. “that’s not a REAL sativa” type thinking. It’s always this “lost strain” mythos.

You think if we tested a 24 week equatorial it would blow away a modern hybrid? No way. Won’t even be close.

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People are so vehemently anti science now adays but cant really say why or what would be better.

Science is just taking traditional experiential knowledge and applying a standard of objectivity, restestability and growth to it in order to understand the universe. Nothing scary or untrustworthy about it


A “real sativa”, dont make a wordgame out of it… The meaning was: 99,9999 percent dispensary weed is not real Sativa. It wasent about exact wording… it ment 99,9999 Percent of dispensary weed doesent flower 16 Weeks

Let’s say we tested a landrace Afghani against a 24 week Colombian.

What do you expect they’ll find different?

In other words: The purest Lama, or the purest Alpaca, those make the difference…

Anything between infact feels pretty similar.

So the study basically is saying that all of it is, genetically, a single species cannabis sativa.

They acknowledge a different effect among varieties and did see a distinction in terpenes between the two labels.

I agree with @lefthandseeds, it is likely some minor cannabinoids that modulate the high. Reminds me of a cultivar I used to grow called Zak Haze. It’s got a lot of “sativa” in its genetics, grows like a “sativa”, smells like a “sativa”, but it’s effects are “indica”. Cannabinoid testing shows a 20% THC, 1% CBG plant. That 1%, in my opinion, totally changes the high.


THC , CBD Ratios are different i guess? THCV is also different. Basically anything. is distinct. The whole Cannabioids are i guess unique and distinct,

TO a Degree…

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