Noob Need Coach Growing Gelato #33 Fast ♀ Advanced Seeds

If I am sincere I see them a bit exhausted :sweat:, but maybe it is just an invented argument to reinforce my theory of the needed LITFA, so don’t pay much attention to it … bayan disimulando


Yes too much attention can cause problems for sure. So how often do you water now @ModernWorld? Do you get run off each watering?

Hi @nefrella, I have been watching your grow but didnt know you had Blue Dream. Have you run it before? Do you have any pics of its flowers?


Ok i will stop so
ty if you say and why you must be right

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I water every 2 or even 3 as it happened now, for example, I’m only going to water today and I haven’t watered for 3 days and I haven’t watered until the water comes out
but as before the land was always wet now I had to leave 1 more day to dry a bit more until I had my fingertip dry

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@BudSy @George I forgot to say that the photos were taken right after the light came on so they are more fallen now they are all pointed up


Your plants are beautiful, you are on the way …

As a suggestion, I would say that you could post weekly photos of them, from now on. It gets better so we can follow.

The initial phase has already been done successfully !!

when I stay 3 days without looking at your diary, it grows very fast !! I can’t keep up …



OK i see, I was already seeing if it was done 2 in 2 or 3 in 3, but then I will start doing it 1 or 2 times a week
ty for the support

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                               9d after

I put a small led over the cars to have more light, but as you can see two of them are already big

                                   Nº 1

Do one Top

It grew well and has two big ones on its side each day bigger to reach the light

It’s not very big but they couldn’t all be big due to space

I also removed everything that was growing at the bottom so they could focus more on top

                            Nº 2

I only trained LST, this one has a very thick stem

Two or three sheets with 2 or 3 very small bites have already appeared to me. I think I should be careful with this one and only

I still don’t know how many tops will have but at least 6

                            Nº 3

I made the 2nd top in both yesterday

But it has two sides to reach the top

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                             Nº 4

In this one I will not move as much as I can do and a little LST.
I want to see how they all look different to see what looks best for me…

I just take the big leaves down

They smell so good :yum: :crazy_face: :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

              It's already 2 days at 12 / 12h

They had a lot of leaves

One of them grew so much that without me noticing one of the lst wires tightened the base and was deformed … :frowning:

I removed all the lower leaves and branches so that they focus on the tops and not on nugets

They reacted well without problems, they are very strong, they have been through so much and have never gone under


Let’s rock this topic, do you know in your solo? Ph, moisture …

How are the parameters?

Vamos agitar esse tópico, você medições no seu solo? Ph, umidade…

Com estão os parâmetros?


Do you think about making seeds?

There are topics like seed racing, it’s a good way to make friends, get seeds and donate …

Você pensa em fazer sementes?

Existe tópicos com as corridas de sementes, é uma boa maneira de fazer amigos, conseguir sementes e doar…


Those gelato are looking good now. I like the experimentation with different techniques i do the same thing to find what works best for me. Btw you could harvest too early if you start counting flower days as you flip the lights to 12/12 alot of first time growers dont realize that it only begins the pre flower phase which takes about 1.5-3 weeks after flip depending on strain. I would suggest starting the flowering countdown once small buds with 10 or more pistils are visible… Good luck and good vibes


Ph of the water always between 6.0 / 6.5 and as I don’t have it and use Advanced Nutrients that establish the perfect Ph I didn’t even end up buying … (I next month I should already buy my 5x5 tent, leds and all the missing equipment or better )


Ph da agua sempre entre os 6.0/6.5 e como nao tenho e uso Advanced Nutrients que estabilizam o Ph perfect nem acabei por comprar… ( eu no próximo mês já devo de comprar a minha tenda 5x5, leds e todo o equipamento em falta ou melhor )

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I haven’t thought about doing it yet, but I’ve already researched about it, I’ve even seen several * King of weed * journeys by several countries in search of the oldest and most conserved genetics, but in order not to learn everything at once and then do nothing well, I’ll start by the most basic and I will do more later with time


Ainda não pensei em fazer mas já pesquisei sobre, ate ja vi varias jornadas do Rei da weed por varios paises em busca das geneticas mais antigas e conservadas, mas para nao aprender tudo de uma vez e depois nao fazer nada bem, vou começar pelos mais basicos e vou fazendo mais depois com o tempo

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That’s exactly what I’m doing, as I have 4 equal seeds here, I thought of doing different training sessions in all of them to see which one I got better at.

They are already with 12 / 12h to about 2 3 days I was waiting to show the sex and then start counting the flowering days. Am I right?

              Good grows and protect yourself

You got it bro
Much love in the garden