Want new lights

So have not been growing for a bit . Thinking I finally want to go led . Have 5 Gavita 750 s now thinking it’s time for led .
Don’t want to build want to buy already made
HLG ???

Steer me right . Gonna put back up my big tent . Will run 12 octopots in it .

What do I want ???



How big is your tent? I am currently running a Mars FC 8000 and my last run was a Mars FC 6500. Both are the new style bar lights and both did amazing. I also have an HLG 600 Rspec and it also did a fantastic job. There are many other brands that work, depends on your budget and size of the space you want to light. Now the FC 8000 did need to be put together but not really built. Just plugs and a few bolts. I have done journals here showing the Mars Lights and in them you will also see info on the HLG.


I picked up an HLG during 420 it was super affordable and works really well…but without any discounts the Mars Lights are definitely the best of the China LEDs I think and very affordable.


Can handle bolts n plug ins

Forgot size of my tent but it’s huge
Guessing 12 feet long 5 feet wide 9 feet tall

I last ran 3 750 gravitas in there each over 4 octopots apiece

Each light , my gravitas I mean could cover a 4 x 4 foot area which covers 4 octopots with plenty of lumens want the same want less elec bill but mostly heat . Gravitas rule but throw lots of heat especially 3 at 825 watts in one tent


Last time I was into this Mars was a joke

Has it changed ???

$$$$ not main concern


The FC 6500 is 650 watts and did a 4x4 with no issues. The FC 8000 is an 800 watt and I just used it on my current run in a 5x5, never even got it to full power. I must say you can get your plants much closer to the Mars bar light than I could my HLG for some reason. As a couple examples here is a grow with the HLG 600 Rspec in a 4x4. Was 4 plants.

Here is my current grow with the FC 8000 in a 5x5.


They stepped up their game quite a bit with the new bar lights. They are more expensive but do a great job. Now in fairness I got them for free from Mars but the plant pics speak for themselves.


im a big fan of growers choice led lights


That’s another I have heard really good things about.

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You like the mars as well or better than the hlg??

Thinking I would need 3 of the 640s then
One for each set of 4 octopots

The 5 by 5 space doesn’t work for octopots and I only run octopots

Can u swing me a deal on 3 of them ???

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Tell me more
Like look of those
Could I fill my huge tent with them ?


Really like how that works

Need to look at those for sure

Got a place???


I never thought I would say it but yeah I do like them better. They seem to have better spread and I can let the plants get closer to them without foxtailing issues. That said HLG make great lights. Growers Choice as Neb suggested is another great LED maker.

Here the specs sheet on the light

When choosing between alot of the high end leds most of them seem to use the same parts and what not or very close to it. My decision making choice basically came down to the warranty. Picked up my grow lights from a local hydro store that will let me bring in a broken one and swap it with a new one right away if i have any issues for the next 5 years.


The reason you can’t go close with an HGL premade, is because they are at different angles in the lense for exact coverage specified.


I would recommend HLG
Great product great customer service and descent prices.
Growers choice is also one of my favorites but a bit pricier.
Spider farmer is also a good light.
I have had a good/great experience with these lights.
One thing I would like to mention is one of the main things I was taught was don’t skimp on your light.
You can buy cheap or descent on anything else in the grow room but the lights is #1.
Good luck hope this helped.


Could be, they are also much closer together than the the new style bar lights. Either way both did a great job for me. When it comes to customer service I would have to say HLG is better hands down.


Being closer together decreases resistance, adding to the efficiency. The angled lenses is engineering at its finest.

Here is the patent:

HGL patent reference to the above:


Want really good lights my gavita lights are amazing and grow amazing just too much heat in the Texas summer inside a tent

This will be a personal stash run to fill my jars with my favorite stains .

Been looking forward to a run and timing on my end is right now.

Keep suggestions coming but leaning towards hlg

Nothing will cover a 12 foot square area so guess it will be Indy light over each set of Octos

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Yes it helps. Leaning real hard towards the hlg650R looks like maybe even 2 will cover my flower tent.
Local stores want 1099.99 find it all over web for 899 with free shipping. With only a 30 inch recommended flower height, i could grow some monsters in my 9 foot tent. Think this is the way to go .