Northeastern Growers' Corner

Yeah, I think it was last winter, and then maybe the winter before or the winter before that we also lost power for 4-5 days. We have propane heat, and an outdoor wood boiler, but both require electricity to work. Also, no electricity = no water.

Power company sent the tree trimmers all over town in the past couple months, should hopefully cut down on power outages.


We were cooking in a fireplace. I literally felt like I was camping
I have become very familiar with the mr. Heater that you put on propane tanks for work sites.


LI here :sunglasses:


Back Up Gen Sets mates, 4000 watt old Onan Motorhome genset set up in a side shed of the house covers the basics… Make sure to run the exhaust out at least 8ft… I bought a old 8 foot 2 inch car bendeable exhaust pipe for the one here… Watch Wind Direction while operating… Cheaper than hotels, while most all my neighors have to escape to… he he he…

Been pumping the old dirt floor basement few times today here in the Lower CT river valley


I have an auto switch for a generator already hooked up, now just need a generator.


I’ve been in this place for about 10 years, and it was only the last year or two that we had outages that went much over a day.

That said we were thinking about getting a power wall or something, being cold is one thing, not having water something else altogether.


My take is, All those trees filled in over those 10 years along the lines, some are standing dead wood waiting for these high wind gusts that we’re experiencing now here to ruin your knight…

Anyways, What’s your all take on Running a Licensed Micro Grow here in New England . Money Maker, or Money Pit… With all these dead Super Malls around plenty of quite large anchor store spaces to fill out…

Drove from southern NH to Northern CT admiring all the Road Side Ads for Dispos, along the way in MA… Saw that In the right location, the parking lots were jammed. and the not so off the beaten path, dismal to nothing…


Make sure to vent that co2… them things are scary…

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I guess that question depends on license fees, buildout requirements for the space, testing costs, labor- you and family able to do the work or are you hiring.
I thought I just heard that a bunch of Massachusetts places were closing down

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We were one of the first to receive a Hemp Growers license when they first came out… put a couple of hundred out in the field spaced so I could ride threw with the mower… What a sight…

Did it for 2 Seasons and let the license expire…

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Parts of MA are oversaturated with dispensaries.

Expenses are high. Insurance is bonkers expensive. A lot of rigamarole. Crowded market.

And then there’s always the question of how long there’ll be money in it. People I’ve talked to say three years from legalization until the money starts to dry up.

ETA: But if you can control expenses and everything goes right… you might not get rich but you might do okay.


Yeah, for sure. Hopefully all the work they put it will pay off.


When the ny market first opened everyone looked at Massachusetts for prices. They all were super excited about how the prices had remained high for multiple years.
The ny market went from 60-80 dollar eighth to 25-55 dollar eighth in 6-9 months!


Was showing my Mum where we used to score dime bags in front of a local diner when we were kids in the early 80’s, now there are 2 dispos one on each end of that same strip mall… Man thangs sure have changed… from making the most of each inhale, hold it, hold it, hooold it, ok exhale… To Over Abundance…


The dispos seem to be way over saturated, but I still kind of have the idea in the back of my head that a nursery might be a bit a novel avenue to take if/when the licensing catches up. Hearing Kevin Jodrey talk about wonderland nursery in CA and how that acted as a vehicle for phenomena hunting new varieties to go into the legal system made it sound like a super cool niche for plant nerds like us that hasn’t yet been oversaturated or even fully addressed in the legal market so far


This is my exact goal. Start up a nursery or partner with an existing one. Pheno hunt and distribute known clones for much more reasonable prices than 500+ for some


The only thing I question is how many of those nurseries a given market can really support, I.e. how fast does that particular market/business model become saturated. I think the initial idea of just offering known elite cuts dies off fast, how many places do you need offering the same cuts for sale? But if the facility is popping new seed and pheno hunting new elites then it’s got some differentiation for itself. Not to mention I think it’s every OGers dream to pop seed at scale and spend your days walking rows of plants looking for the outliers. That’s sure as fuck how I wanna spend my time


You’d need to supplement with flowers. Most of your sales will be around March through may when everyone is getting ready to put plants outside.


This is what I’d be afraid of, the flower market just doesn’t seem like something I’d wanna play with. I know how razor thin the margins are and how difficult it is to bring quality to the market given all the controls in place that you have to dance around. Makes it hard or next to impossible to bring something fresh and top quality.

The thought I had was around like licensing work with breeders and facilities. Most of the breeders that I know here are working in a grey area to grow out the numbers they want, and I figure if you could partner with a number of breeders and dedicate pheno hunting space, and then license those varieties out to facilities, you could potentially save the facilities the need to have propagation as a part of their onsite operation, meaning they could maximize canopy space, so in theory at least a win win win. Nursery owners has income coming in to keep the lights on, breeder has legal pheno hunting space, facilities have access to new genetics and a cloning operation that doesn’t need to be a part of their canopy space. Then you make a little extra cream off the top selling the elite cuts to the public for homegrown. In my head/on paper it all tracks, but I know entrepreneurship is an exercise in picking apart your ideas to determine why they won’t work lol


When I say flowers I mean like marigolds and stuff like that, I have no intrest in selling the end product. I want to be like a library. Just racks of mothers and people can place orders. Something long those lines.