Northeastern Growers' Corner

I’d love to get a small coffee shop but I dont think the regulations are there yet.
Nothing large but a small scale with local flower/hash varieties to enjoy with some great coffee.

Probably would have to find a grandfathered in cigar shop.


Oh my bad I thought you meant like cannabis flowers haha.

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Lol I mean that’s probably what most other people would do haha.

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Some part of me wonders about how hard it would be to make money with that license (I’m talking about a VT nursery license). You can only sell cuts directly to other licensees (i.e. to cultivators, or to dispensaries), but can sell seeds to dispos and the public. The dispo I’ve been to that sells cuts charges $30 per cut, so presumably the producer gets $15 or less per cut. Not sure how many cuts the dispos sell, but I presume it can’t be that many?

ETA: Tried to post this a few hours ago but people in my house are very chatty this morning. Seems like you’ve covered all my caveats…


@yardgrazer what I’m really curious about would be a consumption lounge license if they ever roll something like that out here in VT. I was talking about it with my girl the other day that it would seem like the best way to be involved in the industry without having to either grow or distribute. Find a cool space, make it feel comfortable, bring in music, cool amenities, partner with some local restaurants and or food trucks and just make a cool space for folks to hang out. They’d probably never let a space like that hold a liquor license so none of the concerns that go with that type of operation: I.e. belligerent drunks, the liquor board and their licenses etc. etc. the biggest question would be whether or not you could or would want to go for a BYP model or if onsite sales would be allowed/desired. I guess we’ll see what the CCB wants to do about that at some point in the futur…


I feel like they’ve talked about it as a future possibility? The CCB seems to be pretty open-minded, dunno about the legislature.


I think the nursery component is a good idea. I was looking at this component myself.
You would have more than one yearly sale. The outdoor sales are one component, greenhouse sales are a second and indoor sales also.
The prices I’ve seen are 8-10 dollars a cut. Bigger plants higher prices


Still need a pile of $$$ to bankroll a new venture… A neighbor is selling his garden center for 900K. 17k a year in property taxes. and alot of heat and supplemental lighting to keep those greenhouses warm and lit this time of year… The structures are well used and in need of repair ect… Then there is the security concern… Still I can dream…


I didn’t say it would be cheap :joy::joy::joy:. We are using words like legal marijuana together. That automatically tripled the normal price.
In ny I liked the nursery model because you get paid when you pick up your plants. In the flower market sales are 30 days net!


Just scanned your thread @Emeraldgreen , are you still helping with your buddy’s1 acre op?? Is it paying for itself?? Here in CT the license is cheap for a Micro Grow, and as had having a hemp license we have a better chance at obtaining one since we already jumped thru most of the hoops here…

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We’re planning for the next season. The acre was a temporary situation. He just applied for the micro license. The money is not coming in the way it should be. The license was open recently and I didn’t apply myself.
The next year is only 10k of canopy. We can however fill it as many times as possible. We’ll be doing auto crop followed by photo.
Happy to answer any questions


Thanks, that’s what my impressions of income were… Think I’ll stick with Broadleaf Tobacco this season, @$14 a pound…


Lots of stuff needs to be worked out. Definitely not a get rich quick situation, it’s farming for sure


That’s 4 sure… One plant, two plant, 1,000,000,000 plant… lol… Doesn’t matter what it is… it’s all repetition, process and sell…


Got a few dispensaries 80 dollar eighths central NY just robbery anymore, it’s disgusting


It’s interesting seeing the upstate dispensary being more expensive than nyc.
Talked to a few procurement people who swear up and down they wanted fair prices for product, they have consistently been expensive when they opened up.
Central I’m thinking Binghamton area?

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Yea, actually bing isn’t bad and good deals on zips. Oneontas highway robbery


The farm I’m working on is about 45 minutes from oneonta. I was really surprised with his prices when he opened up.

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Oh ok, prices steep to? I don’t think the public realizes how many people are growing out here I’ll never buy from a store ever, I give my friends free weed why would you charge ya know?


It’s just so anti-green to me to profit off enjoying and being with others and sharing my crop is part of that