Northeastern Growers' Corner

Next crop I’ll def keep you In mind being as close as we are

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The farm is realistic in prices. The oneonta dispensary is expensive to me.
Realistically dispensary sales are driven by new smokers. My circle would only go in to see what it is.

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I could see a nursery working out in NYS, though I am curious what the licensing fees, etc, would be…

VT the fees are generally fairly cheap, but there isn’t the same mass of people to sell to (the population of the 9th largest county in NY, of which Rochester is the seat, is almost 100k more people than the entire state of VT).


This is why the mso are suing left and right in ny. Once the hiccups are worked out the market is massive

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Yes I’ve got a lot more respect for the farms for sure and you’re correct about the stores. There’s Knarich farm in Mount vision I have yet to swing out there but they’ve got something going on at least worth checking out


You happen to know what the brand name is for them?

1 Like is the site

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I’m not sure they are licensed with what I saw on the site. No direct sales are allowed at this point and no processing beyond trimming. The feco oil is only available from processing licenses currently. We can’t even get our oil back from a processor legally at this point

Oh hell sorry I haven’t checked the site since summer maybe and Im pretty sure they were selling then. Guessing something happened maybe, my bad

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They should not be selling the thc stuff. The cbd requires a bunch of license and testing also. I’d check it out anyway

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Gonna have a giveaway here today, put your name on the list underneath here for a chance at one of three cards of Vortex mystery mix seeds, I’ll do a random number drawing tonight after dinner:

Vortex mystery mix is basically fallen soldiers from my seed shucking, it will be a mix of largely Vortex F2s with a good quantity of the chucks from 3-4 other plants, you can see them in my grow thread.

If anyone wants to come pick up their prize off I-91 in the Central CRV of Western MA I’ll toss in Vortex F1 snips or even a rooted clone mom, I’ve got too many. Heck if you just want those send me a DM and we can talk.

Add numbers as needed, giveaway is for members in the Northeastern US (including New York) or Quebec/The Maritimes please:

  1. @yardgrazer
  2. @Emeraldgreen
  3. @JustANobody
  4. @Kami
  5. @Rabeats2093
  6. @Cartwright

Just wikified that post oopsie

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I will do that! Recently moved from central MA to near-Springfield just off the river, would be nice to find some locals. That goes for anyone in the area!


Gotta put my name in this! Thank you for the chance @Dirt_Wizard
Vortex cuts he says :thinking:

@Kami @Rabeats2093 @bevestaldo


Heck yeah buddy I’m up across the mountain range not too far, gotta go to West Springfield tomorrow morning actually for a doctors appt


We need to meet up, I know we’ve talked about it before. Probably once you are ready for some clones.


A northeast meet up. Love to met everyone


I could figure us out a space pretty easily for the spring here along I-91 if we wanted to get together and have a picnic/smokedown


Very nice! I don’t have much for cuts, recently started my first round here at my new home. But I’m very interested in meeting up at some point with anyone in the area. I’ll start following any threads I see of people nearby. Very glad to have met you.


That would be very cool.