Northern lights, the kind in the sky

Not my photograph. This is somewhere in Norway. Just imagine watching that doing some kind of fire dance all night long!! Where is my fucking bong!


i posted this already in another thread but it’s a great picture so figure I’d share it again
My wife says it looks like an angel.
Pic from my friend’s deck here in the Cariboo/Chilcotin , BC Canada


Yes, sir, I can see that. Great picture!

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It’s a shame we didn’t get a show last night.
I stayed up until midnight hoping to see something.
Finally gave up and went to bed.
Keep the pictures coming though, guys.
I just feel so privileged to have experienced this again, for the second time in my life, once every 40 years isn’t enough.

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It’s one of three astronomical events everybody should see at least once in their lifetime.

  1. Total Solar Eclipse. Totality is the key here. Because the darkness hits so quickly and your eyes still see color as if bright day the colors of the surroundings are unique and can never be captured on film.

  2. A very bright comet with full tail. I have seen several in my lifetime. When Hale-Bopp visited in '97, I worked very early in the morning with much of my work being done out of doors. I saw that comet every night before bed and every morning for something like 2 weeks. Something I will never forget.

  3. The Aurora, whether Borealis or Australis, for obvious reasons.


I have seen all 3, and am very grateful for it.


Yes very memorable events that you keep with you, HB was special and have a bunch of good memories of it.

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Southern MN. Took a few grams of mushrooms to enjoy the skies.