Norway cannabis

Just wondering how the Norwegian’s do cannabis I know it’s not legal but I read on random websites that there is a somewhat culture but it’s mostly people in their 40’s and up which I am in my mid forties now :scream: how time flies but anyway I have been there a couple of times now and randomly smell that sweet stank smell but never actually see anyone smoking the herb. I have been offered hash but I am not sure if I should trust the individuals who are trying to sell it to me. I have read don’t buy anything by the river and it makes sense when I have walked by there to go the record store Nosebleed records formerly known as Helvete the beginning of the Norwegian Black Metal scene next year during my trip will be 4/20 and I would like to have a nice toke it just seems strange here in America we have had a huge culture even before MMJ legalization in many states. If anyone is from Norway and or knows anything please share if you don’t mind. What is the going price? I have also read that in the southwest region of Norway it’s grown down there which makes sense it’s a big agricultural area for fruits like apples and other fruit and there is a lot of greenhouses around that area. I’m not gonna go walking onto someone’s property and try ask them but it sure would be nice if there was a good place to find the herb.
Thank you for any tips


@Swe-can may have some insight…

(how you doin bradda :wave: )


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Maybe try the SeedHeaven forum?