Not Just Another Tincture Thread

This is after 2 weeks, it turned reddish


No, nothing that turned reddish brown, the only thing that could cause that might be color from the buds I would think. Mine usually change brown from sunlight knocking out the chlorophyll.

First off, to @newb2.0, Thank you, so much, for you’re “Step by step”! And to @ReikoX… Thanks for you’re immeasurable contributions to this community, and, for starting this most informative thread.
I started with @newb2.0’s recommended essentials:

I used 1 oz flower & 12 oz Everclear to make 45 ml tincture (after reduction). I made most of the mistakes mentioned, (distracted by grand kids)… Cool juice + warm tincture = Green Smoothie w/oil slick, lol! And, they still came out OK! :+1:

Total count was 63 2 ml gummies ~ 27.2 mg each & 30 3.5 ml gummies ~ 47.6 mg THC each.

Thanks for the inspiration @ReikoX & @newb2.0 TC/SS/BW :peace_symbol:


Those turned out nice, they look very tasty!


Thanks for the kind words @Tejas . I’m no gummie expert, (I rarely eat them). They’re OK, a lil tart for my tastes, (I’ll work on that), but family & several friends love em. Great med benefits reported too! And, of course everyone wants a different flavor :laughing:.

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I am sticking with your lotion @Yooper63. Another thread showed how the best way to absorb is smoking (bad for lungs) than rub on and last oral. Something about the size of particles.
I got my hands on some 200 proof with the help of @Mormo. I got to met him and his wife today. They are such nice people.
:seedling: :green_heart: :seedling:
edited per @neogitus :kissing_closed_eyes:


200% Ethanol? I used infused MCT oil in the lotion. I’ve been thinking about doing a solvent transfer with the oil, if it’ll be more potent. We make A LOT of baked goodies :yum:

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They have 200 or 190. Food grade.
Culinary Solvent - Pure Food Grade Ethanol

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Ya mean 200 proof. 200% would be 400 proof and purer than pure :stuck_out_tongue:

Man sometimes I wish I lived in the states. You’re lucky to have access to things like this for cheap. A gal of 95% alc where I’m at would be over $300. Alc is taxed like crazy here. Would love to use ethanol to make edibles with shake and scraggly buds but with the price I can’t make it economical unless I get a still / extract craft but the bigger version is pricey and not for sale international.


I have been watching this thread for a bit now. I am confused. Decarb yes or no? Time and temp for that? I have seen some variances. I tried the original recipe with not much luck. Ready to take a stab at it again. I appreciate any and all knowledge you can share. Peace

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Yes decarb, 45 min 240°

And why ain’t you working?
Hope you’re feeling better.
Just stick with Reiko recipe

And what did I tell you about most on here.


Woow you must have been wrong because I had a half dozen millennials on another forum inform me no male marijuana plants had thc.
:grin: :stuck_out_tongue:


IF you can find the right male, yes you’ll cop a buzz off of him.
Millennials? Psssh


You how to tell if someone is a millennial?
You can’t tell them anything.


Tell me about it got one of my own.
Won’t even visit that.
They know everything.

Then hearing from other millens means it must be so.


As a general rule I would take the “male plants don’t have much THC” maxim at face value, but this was really something else.

Barely in preflower, just a few leaves/growth nodes sent us sideways, me for the day, my roommate for the weekend - in fact she quit weed altogether for over a month following the incident.

Edit: Incidentally, I tried saving that male, but by the time I recognized its possible value in breeding the clone had been culled and was just lying on the pile of stuff for compost for two days, and it just couldn’t muster the moxy to live on.

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I tried the ‘age decarb’
I took my kief off of a bunch of Romulan grapefruit clones and bubba-hashplant clones and made drysift pucks in my clay extruder. I had lots of remaining weed so I chinked it into a jar of everclear
I had approximately,30 grams of weed. The kiff was only about four grams of the finest kiff
I had thirteen ounce of EC and put about thirty grams of the marijuana fiber in. This was last July.,…
Last night for starters I used one mil in some orange juice. I took a hot bath and felt it began to deep into my bones. I went to bed and slept well
From about ten pm to four thirty I felt nothing. I woke up, took dogs out and lay back down another hour and got up and started my day.

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Day off buddy! Feeling better today. Thank you very much!


Good to hear, you on Sunday?

Yeppers I am

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