Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Hey @ReikoX
Just read over the everclear instructions and i now i totally want to make some tincture.

The stuff i bought at the dispo is distillate and coconut oil. Would the green dragon have better effects than the coconut oil?

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Should be the same.
I prefer the Green Dragon myself. Also, the flavour of the Green Dragon is great for adding to melted chocolate (…it pairs well… :wink: :vulcan_salute:)



Agreed. I’ve read or seen (somewhere authoritative, but I don’t recall the source) that chocolate pairs especially well with certain strains of cannabis because of the entourage effect. High % cacao (like in a good quality dark chocolate) has terpenes that are said to heighten the effects of a high. …Sounds like a great combo!

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Ditto that :arrow_double_up: :arrow_double_up:

Every tincture I’ve made has a different taste profile and it is striking to find out what tincture “goes” with what food or drink.

I’m an unrepentant Wino, and lately I’ve been dosing some nice red wines with various Tincs. There’s a cool effect when a dropper full of potent tincture hits the surface of a rich Merlot, it sort of explodes into a pale purple bloom of infused flavor.

Not to wax Rhapsodic, but a dropper full of Green Dragon can be added to anything and the effects will be the same. Tinc in hazelnut coffee is sublime… tinc in Amaretto, or Bailey’s, Holy Moly!!!

Sincerely Yours,


Great thread right here :seedling: very interesting read, haven’t made my way through the entire 1700 post yet.
Seems that once again being in Canada has some disadvantages. Especially getting the higher proof alcohol.
I think I’ve got it down to 2 simple questions for my needs.

  1. As an alcohol sober lifestyle change 5 years strong, I’m assuming with the reduction I don’t have to worry about any actual alcohol effects?
  2. is this good enough to use? Eliminating the need for the second step?
    Thanks growchachos :seedling:

If you reduce to RSO, all you would have left is oil.

If you use as a tincture, or reduce some of the way, yes you’ll have alcohol. But, given the dosage, it wouldn’t be much more than mouthwash.

As a fellow sober joe, I understand your concern.


Nice, thanks for the quick response blowout :seedling:
Guess I’m off to the liquor store… This is gonna be a weird feeling :rofl:


Did you see the post I made a couple weeks ago asking about alcohol prices?

Also, I had to spend some time hunting for the alcohol as well. These were two of the best places I found. One being canadian, the other ships to canada.

  1. Strathcona Spirits: (scroll down looking for “Clear Stock Spirit”. There are two sizes. $47cad/Liter. Taxes are included. Free shipping on the larger size, or >$125 order).
    I bought 4L of it.

  2. Extracsolvents: Somewhat similar prices from what I remember, especially since some change with shipping, I think (never ordered here). Play with the prices and shipping in the cart if you’re interested.

I found a couple more stores, but…it’s mostly 750mL bottles of something and more expensive (especially with shipping multiple glass bottles, and no free shipping). I like strathcona. I might have a free shipping code from my previous order, if you wanna try their smaller bottle but still get free shipping.


I wouldn’t go for the 150 proof. If you’re in BC, I think there may be a spot to get what you need. If not, I’d order from Strathcona.
They make absinthe there too apparently, legitimate sounding absinthe. I haven’t drank in years and years either, not my thing. But absinthe always interested me.


That’s the 1.75 for 100$…guess it’s all relevant to wonder how much that ens up making in the end.
I don’t math well. :blush:
It’s only going to be for personal consumption, me n the wife… Trying to figure out different things to do with 20oz I pulled… After a couple of weeks of the same smoke. Getting kinda board.
If your cool with getting rid I your free shipping code, I’d be grateful :seedling:
How was your interaction with them?

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Firecrackers are a fun option. And they will mess you up if you’re not careful. Don’t ask how I know this, lol.

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PM’d you the code.

Not sure what you mean, exactly.

I always overbuy, for the free shipping, and other reasons.

I understand.
I’ll be making it with bubble hash next. I hate making bubble hash, but I have some. And I can’t stand the taste of something (chlorophyll, other plant stuff?) in the canna-oil I made. Didn’t expect much taste with the last batch at all, and it was awful. Can’t even describe.

Lemme know if you go with Strathcona. 1.75mL probably more than enough to test out some stuff.

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I did dry ice with my larf and made a couple of “LzBoy temple ballz”… Trying to wait for 3 months before attacking them.
I guess I could just put the dry ice shake right into the freezing alcohol?
Gonna give it the 24hr wait to order from Strath :grin: just soemting I do before spending cash lol but I’m pretty sure I’ma get it.
If I breakup one of these guys, could I add it to the grain alcohol?
Or better with fresh dried flower


Looks good. Wish I could get dry ice.


Good call. They had 20%off site wide a couple months ago maybe. I managed to not buy more.

I see no reason why not. But if you wanna decarb first, don’t forget.

For anyone, here’s what I use for my oven/content temps: Square DOT | ThermoWorks. It was on sale. They have other models too (regular DOT model, for example). I wanted this for cooking too. It has an air temp probe, and a “food” temp probe (dual channel).

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Y’all rock. Such great detail to question compared to other bs sites… It’s really appreciated. If I haven’t mentioned before :green_heart:
I believe that’s what’s happening in the 3 months Frenchie Canolli speaks of… You really learn to understand what he’s talking about when working the keif in your hand and melting the trycs together making it darker… But 3 months… :confounded: Only gets better with the time

This might be an option for you… but spendy



That’s one of the online stores I found, too. They have everclear cheaper, too, Everclear 190 Proof Grain Alcohol.

He would still have to pay ship, though (not free).

Another option, though.

Edit: Never been out of likes before.


Anybody know how i can get my hands on the 190 proof in the US? My state only sells 152 proof.

You’ll probably definitely want to decarb it if you want it to get you nice and warm feeling or high lol

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You could always have someone buy and mail…Or drive across borders.
Even my backwards-ass state sells it, lol.