Not Just Another Tincture Thread

Yea i dont drink often so i barely knew what i was doing in there. I asked the clerk where is the 190 and he told me they cant sell it

Edit he asked if i was planning on lighting something on fire lol

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I bought a case of handles last year from my local liquor store.


Damn bro i cant even get a bottle to “practice culinary experiments” with


Now that I’ve done dome searching, seems our laws are outdated and archaic
Ouuuu… Maybe my smoke guy can get it. They come from AB :thinking:
The wife just came home with some space cake from Spinnach at the gov’t disp, just to switch it up… My homegrown is right up there with it.

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Now i dont know if this question has been put out there yet but

For long term use which would be healthier?
Mct oil (Saturated fat) or alcohol.

Im thinking the alcohol would be healthier in the long run.
Whats your thoughts guys and gals?

Edit: getting a little out of my realm here…

The American heart institute recommends 5-6% of your daily calories be saturated fat.
1 tablespoon (15ml) of mct contains 14g grams of fat and 115 calories.
150 calories is 6% of daily recommendation of 2500 calories total.

So in theory i would need to make some skull and crossbone mct tincture so i can do a less or more approach. Im really not aiming to eat a tablespoon of fat everyday. Ideally i would like 1ml to be about 50-60mg. It seems like that is a good dose for someone with my tolerance.
Im wondering how i can achieve this using flower. With distilate i could add virtually as much as i want to a small amount of mct oil. With flower it is more like a 1:1 ratio and i cannot boil it down to increase potency like i can with the green dragon.

Edit #2 if i were to buy 2grams of extract at 84% thc mixed into 30ml of mct oil i would end up with 55mg a ml.

That would cost me $48 for extracts plus another $20 for MCT. I would only need 30ml out of the $20 bottle i wish i could find it cheaper. $68 total plus i will have mct left over and the next batch would cost only 48.
A 30ml bottle at 54mg a ml would cost me $56.

Decisions decisions.

Still wondering how i can obtain these results using flower since it would refrain me from buyin concentrates for myself which defeats the purpose of me growing my own medicine

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Are you referring to the losses of alcohol trapped inside the plant material (which would have some cannabinoids in it)? Or something else, like the capacity of the solvent to extract/hold the cannabinoids?

That’s a neat container, what is it? It looks like a glass petri dish, with its lid on top?

Can anyone else share how they do this? What containers do you use to use the least amount of oil for oil bath? Can you use the oil again (either for cooking or eating, or for another oil bath - I assume this would be fine).

If I make tincture using bubble hash, after decarbing, then infusing in the alcohol, wouldn’t I be left with some hashy mud (fats, waxes, “contaminant”)? How would I get rid of that, and without loosing too much of the actual alcohol tincture in the process - especially when only making a small volume of tincture (as outlined in the recipe for dragon breath spray)?

How’d the whole thing go? And can you give some more details on the steps you did exactly? Amounts?


So, you boil off all the alcohol (Moonshine/ethanol, in your case?) until it’s just cannabis oil, then you weigh that and add it back to whatever amount of alcohol you want (again, ethanol)?
Doesn’t there need to be some alcohol (a tincture) to make the candies the way it’s laid out in this thread?

Holy shit. How did you pour the molasses resin through a coffee filter after it was so thick? And, when it’s so thick, how are you continuing to put a new “batch” of cannabis into it as well?

This is what I did recently. Used ISO to extract from plant matter, then completely evaporated all the ISO using double boiler, used a metal skewer to swipe through the relatively thin layer of oil to (hopefully?) help “release” any ISO. Then, I let it cool. Then I put that same glass dish I used to evaporate the ISO into the oven to decarb the oil (using a temp probe). Though, I don’t recall noticing many if any little tiny bubbles forming/leaving the resin, any thoughts on that part?
Anyway, I used the final resin/oil by infusing it into some avocado oil.
-So I could just infuse this ISO stripped resin into some food grade alcohol?
-I could also use “methyl hydrate” (like @Mr.Sparkle) to strip the ISO, and then add that to food grade alcohol.
-How do you, or can you know when/that the ISO (or methyl hydrate) is 100% purged from the resin? (@wolfedawwg too?).

Is this what you use @Mr.Sparkle Methyl Hydrate | Made in Canada | Solvable?
MSDS composition section says “80-99%” though…
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Sorry, I asked some of these questions regarding methyl hydrate before. I’ll search the thread for posts.


It varies state to state. Just as an example, you can’t buy 190 in MA, NH, or VT, but it is legal in CT so I bought a bottle there once (it’s legal in 33 states).

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Man thats a long drive just for a bottle of juice ! Lmao

Thinking about going the distilate route but that sucks bc i cant produce extracts so it defeats the purpose of me growing my own medicine.

Not sure how i can pull off the 55g a ml in a 30ml batch without extracts.

According to tincture calculator,
56grams of 20%thc put into 8oz mct will only turn out 28.4mg thc per ML, (if that is even possible, id need to press it with a bottle jack or some shit to get my 8 oz back out of 56 g of flower lol)

I would need to infuse 56grams(20%thc) into 4oz of mct oil to get in the range im looking for

Pretty much, yes. There is more alcohol in a dose of cold medicine than a dropper (about 1/2 ml) of tincture. If you are concerned with that amount of alcohol, you could always reduce it down completely and add MCT oil instead.

If you use a lower proof alcohol, you will need to reduce it all the way, otherwise you will get a weird milky emulsion. Also, you want grain alcohol. Rum has sugars left in it, that’s what gives it that browm color.

Don’t forget to decarb the concentrate. You will loose some THCA in the process (about 15%).

Reducevit down to RSO and you have your concentrate right there.

Yes, losses from spilling, alcohol in the plant material, etc.

Exactly what that is.

Just filter it through an unbleached coffee filter.

You can, just be certain all of the ISO is purged first. You will also need to decarb it if you didn’t prior to the ISO extraction.

Extract with alcohol first (or use decarbed rosin or BHO) then you start with something in the 60-75% THC range. Put two grams of that (1200 mg) in one oz (30 ml) will get you to 40-50 mg/ml.


@ReikoX to the rescue!
Thanks I’m gonna try the lower grain alcohol first.
Got to about post 250ish last night.
Great knowledge shared in this thread, and thank you for that :seedling:


Sorry i was referring to the mct oil. I have a few posts spread out stating every crazy thought im thinking. I should have put them all on 1 post but i did mention how i cant reduce the mct like i can the alcohol

Edit: so i make green dragon with low proof alcohol (all i have access too) then i reduce it down to RSO, then i add it to mct oil.

Step 1: make green dragon
Step 2 : reduce to rso
Step 3: mix rso to mct oil


Yea. I’ve done it like this with ISO, too (instead of low proof alcohol).

Yes, that’s the way you can do it. :+1:

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OK, I’ve ‘transferred the base’ (from alcohol to oil) a couple times but my process was:
step 1: green dragon
step 2: add the oil
step 3: warm and remove the alcohol

I’m not saying that’s the correct way BTW



So theoretically i can use iso alcohol instead of grain since i am reducing all of the alcohol out of it? Or is it totally a safer idea to use 151 proof grain

This is what I call a solvent transfer. It definitely works well. If using low proof alcohol, you have to reduce it down to oil anyway.

I am going to say it’s safer to use a food grade alcohol like everclear.


This THCA stuff really confuses me :crazy_face: I was under the impression that decarbing (by any method, heat, drying, etc.) converted any and all THCA to THC.

I also thought THCA is not psychoactive. I just made a run of fresh frozen SSDD trim in 190 proof, frozen and shaken for 2 weeks. Besides working as a pain reliever, it does deliver a little buzz. Am I doing something wrong?

And, not to be contrary, but I have made tinc with 80 proof rum, and 151, without any problems. It doesn’t quite pack the punch of a 190 batch, but it still delivers. And, I’ve never seen it cloudy, or with globules. All made in the freezer, so maybe that’s something?

As an aside, 190 is not legal in NC. All liquor is sold through state run ABC stores, and it turns out there are special order ABC’s here. We have 2x in our county, and they both have 190 on the shelf. Plus, you can order it through any store, just have get a case… who knows what’s up with that? Anyway, check for the “secret” stores, lol!


From what I understand THCA still has the co2 molecule in it… That’s a blocker to our blood stream… The decarb process changes the molecular structure. Removing the “A” co2 part… So when u smoke a joint the decarb happens when the heat hits it… Doing in an oven at 240 for 40 is a slower process and saves the THC for later…
At least that’s what I got from watching Frenchie Canolli vids…
Remeber the plant is just a vessel for the trichromes.
Please someone correct me if I’m wrong.


This here is the jest of it. The acidic form still has that carboxyl group (hence the name decarboxylate). That carboxyl group (COOH) is approximately 15% of the total molecules of THCA.

If you put 10 grams of THCA in a jar and decarboxylate it, you will end up with about 8.5 grams of THC and about 1.5 grams of CO2.

I’ve never used fresh frozen material, and I only soak for two hours. That sounds like it is full of chlorophyll.

The problem isn’t making a tincture with it, it’s the reduction step that will, eventually, make that water emulsion. In addition, the water content will also pull more polar, non-cannabinoid, compounds.


Went to the local BCLC and asked for some grain alcohol.
They keep it behind the counter for social responsibility concerns :rofl:
It was so weird, walking into my home away from home for 30 years and not walk into a liquor store in 5 years.
Is this good enough @ReikoX do I still have to fully reduce it?

Decarbing 2oz as I type this…happy happy, joy joy