Not seeing webs yet and I know the pic isn't great, but is this spider mites?

All I will say is, don’t put dichondra anywhere you don’t want it, it will come back with a vengeance. :grin:

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Okay, ha. I will try it one corner maybe. Does it spread?

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I would say yes, but hard to say. I covered my beds and it all came back in veg.

they look to be eating well! nice buds

Yup, in good soil she won’t fix nitrogen. That’s the same for black eyed peas too (which is a great cover) Also, they all should be cut as soon as they flower for maximum benefit.
I also use crimson clover, hairy vetch and black eyed peas as cover crops for my veggie garden. They are my only source of food for that garden. I pile up my old grow pot soil about 7" thick…then plant that with Crimson clover. The roots go about that deep. Once it flowers, I dig up that 7" layer , roots, nodes, and all and toss into 18 pots and grow sweet potatoes. When they are done…wash, rinse, repeat :slight_smile:
It’s all good!


We are still chugging along. Occasionally I will see a leaf w/ some white spots and it’ll have 2-3 mites on the underside but thats about it. No webs or anything. I’m finishing up week 9 so almost complete. Do you guys think I should do a plant wash/dunk thing after I harvest just in case?


Wash a test bud and see what comes off of it into the water. Then you can decide if it’s worth it to wash the whole crop.


good call, gotta see what i need to get

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Oh HELL yeah… Do a wash once, and you will do em always. I wash indoors and out now. Theres still dust and debris indoors.

Lemon Juice dunk, Baking Soda dunk, H202 dunk, and 2 freshwater rinse dunks, then hang to dry for 6-8 hours in front of a fan, then hang to dry as usual. Once you see whats in the wash? You’ll do it everytime too!


I always wash my crops and I grow exclusively indoors. I did the multi-part wash a few times and then now I just do two buckets of water one warm then one cool and drip, couldn’t tell the difference for me but I’m only after cat hairs, mold spores, and dust. I do sometimes put a single drop of free and clear plant-based dish detergent into the warm 5G, and I usually switch water for every plant or two to keep them fresh. I think the key thing is the dunk and wiggle to sway off things stuck on and get bubbles out so everything gets wet, then I pull it out pretty sharply and let the water run off, do that a few times and it’s gently pulling everything downwards and off each branch without hurting the trichomes that are still pretty flexible and don’t knock off. I’ve run my water through a micron screen and haven’t found any trichs to speak of.

In the future, if you need to knock out spider mites, these are a cheap obligate predator mite that will die off once they kill all your SMs:

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