Not seeing webs yet and I know the pic isn't great, but is this spider mites?

They are only on my cover crop which was almost completely chopped and dropped minus a few stragglers in the corner. I blasted these w/ some neem and I was thinking of following up with some zymes.


Super hard to tell from this photo but I would say you’re right to be concerned. Post some more pics off the tops of the leaves, do you see small spots of damage to them? Also check this out - Spider Mites & Cannabis - How to Identify & Get Rid of Them Quickly!


I wouldn’t think mites unless you magnified the pic . Pretty tough to see mites without using a scope .
Mites you’ll see leaf damage and shit before you see the mites .


Mites and eggs. Yup. They love clover so you’ll typically see them there first. You can mix up some water, alcohol and neem oil with a drop of soap. Spray every other day for a week or so and it’ll knock em down.


Yes, here is the top side, the damage is what drew my attention. I hit them with neem and i plan to do it again.


Oh I should mention, I’m in week 6 of flower. I have only seen any indication on the cover crop so far but I’m not sure what i’ll do if they head upwards. I am in a large 4x4 full of some very healthy living soil so I’m hoping that will keep them at bay however I never see anything on the actual plants so maybe they’ll just be left alone. I’m not sure.


mites all day long. classic leaf signs


If they DO make their way upwards make sure to check the lower leaves often. I’m sure you can get through this round without much issue if you keep an eye on it. And then you can hit that cover crop with some spray. Once you have them it’s hard to totally get rid of, but with regular ipm you can keep them at a low manageable level. You could also use a vacuum cleaner hose to try sucking them off of the leaves before spraying. That would get a lot of them.


@snizzyy yes some mite damage as everyone has said. The advice @wbSamadhi gave is great too!



Years ago I dried and jarred up some nugs that had mild spider mite issues. Ended up with mummy nugs wrapped in silk.

Kill em!

Edit to add: maybe some aromatic oils applied by hand (with a brush/sponge?) on the lower trunks of your plants? To attempt to make a barrier that they would prefer not to cross to prevent them from moving up.

Edit edit: Or what joe said :point_down: mites don’t like water/mist


I’d break the cycle before the next round by submerging your clones in cool water for 30min then using the vegetable sprayer to wash the plant off. I have found in bloom I could keep their numbers down by giving the plant a shower every couple of weeks. I broke a branch on a big plant doing that, so you have to be careful.


Thanks for all the help. This community rocks. I am pretty good w/ the IPM however I grow A LOT of other plants and some of them have to come inside during the winter. It’s just part of my situation for now. They may have come in from there, or from some compost or worm castings, who knows. I have to take the summer off from growing so I will have ample time to do work on them during that time. The only thing I’m afraid of is that I have a 4x4 bed full of soil so I can’t really replace that or move it, etc. I will probably get rid of all plants during the summer and start fresh and then be very vigilant with my IPM.


As the others said, that’s looking a lot like mites. There are tons of options but whatever you choose, make sure to do a few different things (try not to spray anything near buds) and stay on top of it everyday until you can harvest. As soon as you think they are gone they will come back with a vengence.


Definitely going to try. I have some mountain organics leaf tonic plus w/ neem. I’ve also got tweetmint and doctor zymes. I am going to check all the canopy tonight to see if i find anything, and maybe i can spot spray if so. If they get to the buds, i guess i’ll just have to wait and hope i can harvest before that happens.

This is a bummer but hopefully we can finish strong.


You can definitely get these girls across this the line, just stay on them and keep numbers down! You can do this! Don’t let them win! :facepunch:


If you notice some mites on upper leaves and close to buds I’d mix up alcohol and water and try to spot spray. The alcohol will dry them out and it evaporates quickly so there’s no harm to leaves. However, alcohol will dissolve the resin glands, so hopefully you don’t have to spray on any buds. But better a few less trichomes than mite webs

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Sorry dude. Had my very first dealings with them last summer/fall. Some here have more experience than me with this blight and I hope it stays that way.
My actions were painful but seems to have gotten a total eradication by scorched earth nuclear actions. I chopped my grow in mid flower, tossed every clone and mom I had except for 2 which I nuked with every nasty chemical in the book in rotation for a few weeks isolated from main grow area as best I could and dumped my tent which was about 5 plus years old anyway. The only thing I saved was my light and fan. Which I cleaned several times and sat in below freezing temps for weeks. I also cleaned and bleached alcohol mix in my area, remaining plastic pots tray’s etc half dozen times over few weeks. I even bought one of those UV sanitation lights since the powdery mold came with that clone as well. Heart breaking but kind of like cancer you have to be ruthless in eradicating it. Some will say I went overboard and that’s ok because I’m pretty sure some of those still have them pop up. On Friday I chop my first harvest of cuts of cuts from my two kept clones that was cloned and tossed moms 3 times I think and nuked them with 4 different miticides plus Eagle 20. I keep my eyes peeled for signs but my only issue was gnats that is gone now since I replaced the predator mites in my soil and pots of moms which also did years ago and had not seen a gnat in years.
This grow has no serious IPM other than a dose of Azamax before these were flipped nor do my moms. Good luck and half measures are half assed just as in life.


I had great success with ladybugs I bought a thousand for 20 bucks Canadian and would release about 250 in my 4x4 tent at a time you lose a few to the light but they got rid of my spider mite problem.




Those are definitely spider mites in that picture. Makes my skin crawl just thinking about it.