Nuristanica broad leaf drug origin?

Here’s in the wild again, shot by Mriko in Pakistan, Birir valley near Yarkhun (1000/1500m)


Nuristani culture 1000m above Birir, Yarkhun, Chitrali etc

Micro climatics


Not need 1 month trip there need at least 1 year because no roads for 4x4 SUV ^^ with the mule to meet the great Yeti and BLDA fossil pollen. Kalashnikov is also welcome, peace and love!

Ahmed Chah Massoud and friends
RIP Ahmed Chah Massoud


Great thread of information! :100::dove:


@roms I think these recent genomics papers would be of interest, they analyzed fossil pollens and seed/achene samples found in archaeological sites with some good data inferences about cultivated vs wild using crop pollens etc. Very interesting and pointing to Yunnan as the source of the hops/cannabis divergence but perhaps this area of Nuristan and its neighbors as the source of cannabis sativa:



Cannabis in Asia its center of origin and early cultivation, based on a synthesis of subfossil pollen and archaeobotanical studies.pdf (851.5 KB)

Cannabis in Eurasia.pdf (3.7 MB)


The analysis section from the Eurasian paper:


16 posts were split to a new topic: Landraces… what matters?

Trugarez merci @LemonadeJoe :slightly_smiling_face:

Hi bro, thank you very much for inputs indeed very nice study but also so incomplete, I mean no datas about South East Asians, Oceanians and Polynesians! All about NLD ancestor understanding far of those actual great studies. And of course also no datas about BLD ancestor and its understanding transformation. The Yunnan is imho just posterior but again need different objective approach to understand the evolution, science can demonstrate anything and everything, it’s all a matter of interpretation before and after its composing in facts! :thinking:


Wonder if the yunnan from Ace might be related to some of this ancient cultivar? :thinking: I’ve grown it for multiple years and I’ve done a lot of crosses for medicin where you need the indica structure with a sativa high. Ofc there are still some trade off, but it’s one of the cultivars that I’ve tried which keep the sativa high quite clean. Dunno, if this is to any interest. But this is a cultivar which is close to my heart and it’s always on my mind when I theorize about crosses.

In some sense the Yunnan from Ace is the perfect cannabis, the holy grail. A indica type grow which bring this structure to crosses. But it leaves the high alone. Letting the other part of the cross to shine.

Pz :v:t2:


About Yunnan i think its origin could be North Afghan (indi x sati) and not inverse historically. (?) Trade roads to study and Chinese presence in Mazar i Shariff to explore maybe…

I never grown it btw, just feelings! Hey LOC have you ever grown Mazari kind for comparison ? How is Yunnan hash ? How is the Yunnan Chinese word for haschich i wonder ?


Yeah I’ve grown mazari from multiple breeders.
I see where you come from and it’s a good speculation. Mazari might be in the mix. I don’t want to rule that out.

Yunnan is a very unique and different plant. The buds are more of the Critical type then the Kush type. They can get quite big they where around 16% THC and 1-5% CBD. Very unique terps which I’ve never found in cannabis before, very floral soap, borderline old woman parfume. Don’t know how describe it, but I’ve never associated cannabis with it :grin:

Never done hashish on Yunnan, only flower, live rosin from flower and RSO.

Pz :v:t2:


Ok i see, sounds hempy mix perhaps according Chinese general fiber use and big seeds selection for food. Floral terps sounds also like Pakistan, Kashmir, Nepal, North India.

So there’s BLD relation with Yunnan and Hmong culture and hash making but quite distant to alpine altitude transformation and my birthplace theory of BLD. That’s why i think Chinese hash makers has been influenced by Hindu Kush and not inverse like RC Clarke`s Hashish book assumed.

Here’s quote by @ElmerBud

RC Clarke thinks the hash makers moved out of SW China and migrated to Afghanistan .
In China they grew narrow leaf . The broad leaf is indigenous to the sth side of the Himalaya .

Turkestan buts up against the SW Chinese borders .

RC Clarke`s Hashish is worth tracking down with some google jitsu .
One chapter talked about a hash making festival where they would place the plants between carpets then dance on them . The carpets were later beaten to release the trichs .
Proto dry sift .

If I remember correctly the broad leaf was collected in Pakistan / Nth India on the way to Afghanistan .

Thanks for sharin

EB .

Have you found Yunnan resin especially oily compared to sticky ?


I have to catch up on this one later, but it looks to be very interesting. :star_struck:
You may find this to be an interesting read. :wink:


Thanks for the up bro :sunglasses:

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Thank you Greg!


First test of my Top Kouch BLD F1 Indica Champion ^^
(Deep Chunk x X18)


I always wondered how those 2 would pair together. :thinking:


Wakhan corridor good vibes @shag :sunglasses:



Over 2500m alpine valleys!

I think the Wakhan pass is the connection with Hunza North Pakistan :face_with_monocle:

Hunza Valleys


Omg I want that plant! That leaf purpling is gorgeous :drooling_face:

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Ya @ix3u, salad :green_heart: :face_with_monocle:

Panjshir river pass, Nuristan