Day length and the start of Flowering

Why does (almost?) no Seedcompany/Breeder give out this kind of information? What do they have to hide? Seriously, if you know that a particular plant starts flowering in 10 hours of darkness, you really know where you end up with your harvest timing at a particular latitude. The differences are huge if you compare latitudes:

At latitude 30° 10 hours of darkness will be in early July, at latitude 50° it will be mid August. This is a difference of at least 30 days for the harvest or the plant will not fully ripen at all at 50° (depending on flowering duration ). I have seen hemp seeds that had this kind of info, I would guess this should be possible for drug varieties.

Something that starts flowering between 15-16 hours of daylight would be great. Do you know Seed Companies/Breeders that give this kind of info or has somebody tried to measure it by him self? I guess it could be done in an indoor setting to measure something like that (just add 15 minutes of darkness after finishing vegetation and wait a few days to see if signs of flowering appear if not repeat til the plant starts flowering).

And what is up with the claim that there are Iranian, Syrian, Lebanese and Moroccan “semi auto” Landraces (Kwik Seeds, The Real Seedcompany, Jade Nectar) that start flowering if “daylight” drops below 18 hours. Days never get that long at the latitudes of origin so how do they trigger flowering at “home” or are they pure autos if hours of light are below 18 hours?


Out of curiosity, what do you think they are trying to hide?


A breeder putting out info that specific will have people reaching for pitchforks pretty quick. Seeds vary. Plus to do it they’d have to run each strain in big enough numbers and however many separate tents to meet whatever time interval requirements that might entail…


Yeah, it’s not about hiding anything, I don’t think. It’s about not making false claims


I’ve grown the semi auto from Mark they flower Like long autos. Always flowering. Also if out under 24 hours they go to 2 meters tall indoors. Don’t ask. They do great outdoors. I don’t like them though.


Semi autos in particular

I have had clones flower at slight but noticeable different times based on where in the yard they are. I don’t think I’d want to attempt to micromanage to that degree, lol


Just not many breeders able to run fields outdoors these days to know. Much less ones that have the time/space to trial light timing indoors or in a greenhouse. Plus like was said, seeds vary. We have very few lines that run like a packet of vegetable seeds you’d buy at the store.


The sentence was followed by “Seriously…”, I was trying to indicate I made a joke. But if they are hiding something its probably that this traite might have low conformity in the their seeds.

As I said I saw the catalogue of a hemp breeder that had exactly this kind of info (it even said something like 13h:58min of daylight.

But this is true for every other traite. I think it would be a great marketing instrument to have this kind of information and a strain flowering with “short” nights should be a great breeding instrument.

Cool good to know. Which one did you grow? How long did they take from germination to harvest?


That’s what keeps us popping

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Most breeders don’t even release much info on their strains beyond “this x that” and “x flowering time”, let alone photperiodic sensitivity.

Would be nice, though, I can’t argue that. Like a pinpoint on that graph, “ABC Kush flowers ‘here’ on the graph”


I bet that’s where you’ll see it first as you describe it.

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This is true on the other hand a lot of Seedcompanies give out info like “finishes between 1. October to 15. October” and this is obviously false advertising if they don’t tell you at what latitude.

High five.


Sure why not advertise if somebody has unique and reliable seeds. Just means they have an incentive to find out what their seeds are actually doing. If the hemp industry can do it why not cannabis? Just give me a mean and a standard deviation.

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“plant biology” saying that a plant needs 13 to 13.5 hours of darkness to start flowering - 13hr dark and 11hr light (13/11 light cycle speeds up rooting therefore using that cycle will speed your grow up by 1 week) some folks use 12/12 and the last two weeks use 13/11 to 14/10 to induce flowering - have fund that it kind of “ripens” the plant

A seed company? Not being totally transparent? I don’t believe it.


I forget how long but it was green headband

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Does it? Ed Rosenthal is claiming an initiation of flowering with 10 hours of darkness for his “Superbud” and I found a hemp/cbd catalogue (The Hemp Mine) with similar numbers for some strains. 13 hours of darkness would mean mid October at 50° latitude or end of October at 40°.

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They lie about all the other traits of the plant at least some could put out false information about day length and initiation of flowering. I would fall for it.


That’s alot of pressure to put on what might be just a dude trying to provide you with potential fire.