Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

I buy the smallest sample to try but it’s still costly

I’m diving into it now. I’m checking out what it made from. first thing I was curious about is the plant extract. Wondering if it is alfalfa which would be for the tricantanol. I use a foliar of alfalfa meal in veg for the tria it and it gives a nice boost. In the little bit I’ve been searching there another product similar Shogun sumo boost a little cheaper. I like diy making stuff for less. I’m going to keep going down the rabbit hole and I’ll let you know if I find something interesting


Looking pretty damn nice up there, papa… :metal:t2:

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Hey brother Paps,

Your Frankie can go ten weeks easy, and you’ll still prolly see white pistils! She just doesn’t stop makin those new hairs. I pulled a batch of Frankie at 10 weeks, first amber, and she was still early, a little racy.

You know what you’re doin, just addin my $0.02,
PS, Frankie makes :fire: hash & Tinc, great for edibles.


It’s cms , concentrated molasses soluable

Molasses zero ( without sugar )

I think lol

Don’t think it can be made at home easily , or even at all


Condensed molasses fermentation solubles? It very interesting stuff. And the topic has opened my mind. Like I need to be using this stuff lol I’m going to order a bottle try it out.


I think the 1L bottle works out better value 5 L is for lottery winners haha


Vinasse may be another thing the use.

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I always wondered how there is organic canna boost accelerator , and non organic canna boost accelerator
I assume non organic better but why
What extra ingredient / s did they add so they could no longer call it organic ?


I’m not sure whatever it is has papa garden looking primo lol I’m definitely going to keep looking into it. In my opinion all this nutes brands are similar to each other some more than other but it all can be replicated just gotta find the info. 89 dollars for the 1 liter shits crazy lol so start using right away or wait till next run ?


Your call lol

Canna nutrients etc are all over the world
Different countries have different laws regarding what they must show in ingredients on back of bottle , some vague some nothing some with good detail

California I think gives best description ( strict )

I would get @GramTorino to look up when in his hydro store for me

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@Mr.greenbee i researched rhizo and all the other brands similar stuff ( house garden excelorator added p , bloombastic added p and k etc years ago

Canna brought theirs out first , then later other people copied it but had to add other ingredients so as to be not the same legally

So although slightly cheaper it did not have as much of the good stuff in it
As the added p and k have diluted the good stuff % , canna was the purist kind off , no added p or k

I assume canna boost accelerator will be the same maybe if other similar brands do it

A side note on house and garden excelorator ( for roots like rhizo )
They have a silver and a gold bottle , silver for hydro and gold for soil , can’t remember if organic and non organic tho

Haha rambling it’s getting late in the day here

I’m eu tho , so canna cheaper here

Maybe an American brand be better value , although extra k or whatever still works out better value as no import tax


I ordered it I’ll give it a go. Hopefully in the coming years more scientific research is done on cannabis and how different bio stimulants, natural pgr etc effect the plant and the timing of use.

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Earth juice product have a meta k which is straight up k only but I believe it’s molasses based

So far I’ve only used the canna boost accelerator in weeks 3 through 5.5

This run I’ll use it longer till week 8 as suggested

4 products I really like
Canna boost accelerator
Foop mist
Clonex gel


I don’t think Meta-K has molasses… I’ve got a bottle downstairs that’s been sitting mostly unused for like 9 years, and it hasn’t gone bad. The potassium sulfate precipitates out of solution, but otherwise it just looks like water. I expect it would’ve fermented long ago if there were sugar in there.


Same one I use

So you all recommend Cannaboost? What does it do, make them bulkier?


It boosts the p and k I find it help build bulk

By the way how you doing @Gardenartus
Hopefully the holidays where good


I really don’t use much currently I’ll make a alfalfa meal tea and foliar a couple time in veg and I’ll use a product from kelp4less called extreme blend which consist humic fulvic acid amino acids etc. the plants love it and I’ll use some kelp meal using the coots recipe and foliar beside jacks that about it.


All good stuff
I had humic acid and liquid kelp the plants do love it

I feel the foop mist replaced the humic and kelp
I only spray it In veg and the clones love it
I feel they root faster

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Nice. Holidays were nice, we didn’t do anything, but we binged on movies ha! Hope you had a nice Holiday season as well.

The new plants are looking great, just waiting for roots on the clones to sex them. Excited for that GDP.