Octopot , clones , seeds , mainlining , grafting and mothers

Great color paps! The purple magenta is my favorite on the colored ones. The sativa leaner does kind of foxtail, do you have a heat spot where she’s standing? I had this happen to me some times


No heat maybe a bit closer to the light but I can’t get back there to adjust

I big ass bee :honeybee: loves it back there we keep fighting over who’s garden it is

He lets me water
But i think he’s winning


Photo dump 49 days from flip
She looks like she’ll take every bit of 14 weeks

Granddaddy purple
Large spears and many of them

Cap junky
Slow to build

Mac 1

Sour d

Legends OG


Froot Loops


F as f close up


Your GMO looks fantastic! Those buds are already showing great promise.

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Ty my friend

I took some shots today randomly not sure who’s who lol
Cap j


Granddaddy purple

Mac 1

AJ’s sour d

Not sure really ? Oh well

Lemon G


Legends og

Fire as F

I think I called them right lol


Oh Well the cayo hueso at 8 weeks showed nanners @emeraldbullfrog
I see seeds developing ! she has a great haze smell to her so
I’ll keep her going , at 8 weeks everything else will be out of there in 2 or 3 weeks

Only the cayo hueso and the GMO will go longer

This could be my fault I’ve had her out of the dark a few times during her night hours


Appreciate the head’s up on the nanners Paps :+1: :banana:
Mine are all still in veg. I had to interrupt their night once, they’ve been looking pretty good. When they’re in flower I will keep a close eye on them

My biggest Cayo got uppotted from solo cup to half gallon, I just came in from the garden about 20 mins ago.

Before - in solo cup

After - half gallon


Hot damn, starting to think I shouldn’ta topped both of my Lemon G. That’s a lovely cola!


WOW Paps, I had no idea this thread was running!
I was thread surfing this AM, and saw in the first post you had tagged me, but I do not think the system is notifying me, when @ is attached, to me.
I just figured you privatized your thread.
Love your work as always!!
You are master at many plants in a small area, far, far better than I do!! LOL!
This past month has been a freaky phuckin ride for me, from sewer line disaster, to relocation of every aspect of my grow area had to be moved, torn down, hidden, covered, relocated…then put it all BACK again!.
Have you added any Gypsum, to your mix?
I have added some to my water tote, adding a portion maybe a tablespoon, into a small cloth drawstring pouch, and letting hang in the tote. Sometimes I bubble it, sometimes not.
It will be a regular additive for me, like LAB’s has become for my garden.
I’m not sure exactly what it’s doing, but from seedling to late flowering plants all seem to look better with it, than without it.
I also shot my load for likes today, got the angry gram, no more likes for 2 hours slapped on me, LOL! And, I only made it half way to boot!! LOL!
Real sorry I missed all of this so far!
All the best to you and yours man!!


Those shots look fantastic! It’s fun trying to figure out who’s who especially when everything’s looking so good.


Hay bro thanks for stopping by

I know the feeling about having to tear down the room and then rebuild it that happened to me a few years ago when we had the fire in the garage when the inspectors came, I had to have everything out of there or else. It was funny watching the firemen and the police walk in front of my room and never open the door.


My Cap Junky never threw any weight, looked like she was gonna in week 7 or 8 but did not.

The GMO is worth EVERY SECOND of flower time. Mine didnt really pack it on till week 10. IS that from me, that gmo cut??? Cant recall. Her stink is about the best i have ever experienced, and she throws great weight. Her stone is superb, one of my favorites of the last few years.
She is a 100% keeper cut !

Glad you grew FAF, i could not get my cut to grow, and ended up trashing her.

IF you have my ICC, you need to run it. Big ass weight, killer taste/smell/high…i have 2 full tents of her grwoing now, and intend to cross her to Samwell’s Dodido F3 's .

Grow looks EXCELLENT homie!!!1


I believe these cuts where yours originally they came but way of @tresbundles i believe

The Fire as f looks like she will be done early

GMO is huge

Icc and wedding cake and Tahoe are in for next run with Mac

I have a granddaddy purple Ken’s cut from Johnnypotseed and it look amazing :star_struck:

Great to read you brother
How’s the pack doing


All doing excellent, hating the hot weather we have, 98 F today :nauseated_face:


Im lucky here we are in the hi 70’s may got to the min 80s


My GDP’s, seeds from Santero. looked stellar, smelled great, grew short fat bush’s, was just average bud however. Was such a let down.

Yeah, from Tres, they are mine. The GMO will go huge as you see. She stretch’s for 5 weeks or so, grows slowly early flower fatness wise, but will load up week 9- 14 . She grows like a straight Sativa, but taken out to 14 weeks, hits like a heavy heavy Indica. I have taken her at 14 weeks, and 12 weeks and 10 weeks. From 10 weeks on, her stench, if dried proper, is overpowering. NO onion or garlic, thats bro tales. GMO named 'cause was time of Girl Scout Cookies ( the lil girls selling baked cookies, lol) being trashed in the media for having GMO in thier cookies…lol…Grower was making a joke…no onions, no garlic, BUT…every bit as strong a stink as onion/garlic would have. Cant describe it, but you will see. Stink up an entire room, a 1/4 bag of it cured, opened, is PUNGENT to the maxx!!! I love her stone, but it is HEAVY. Taken at 10 weeks, same stink /taste, less of a stone, but still a stone. I take her at 10 because all my others are done by then, not running a light for one plant. At 14 she is fat , covered, and stinky. For your first time, lol, lol, I’d take her 14 or even 15 weeks if you can, and with all your small lights, you can!

RUN ICC! Just most excellent in all ways. Looks, taste , high. She is self supporting, needs no nets or help, and throws beautiful dense heavy buds. She wants to go vertical instead of branch, DONT cut her, she grows short to begin with, but LST the hell out of her, getting 8-12 main stalks. She strech’s like nothing, maybe .5 stretch, thats a ., point before the 5. Her mains will stack heavy. l will let her get almost 40" tall before i flip, as she doesnt do much vertical, doesnt go wide, and starts bud production quickly.
Last ones flipped at 24 inch’s ended up very short. Next batch flipped at 32 inch’s were only 8 inch’s taller.
Let her build branch’s, get her good height before the flip you will be rewarded.

WC is opposite. She will go 2x or better in flip, branch out , all her bud is dense and quality. Tahoe grows easy, has 1.5 stretch, goes 10 -11 weeks. WC goes 10 . ICC goes 10 -11. WC, ICC, Tahoe, taken at 10 are all good.

Looking forward to you running these.

The Sour D still has my eye…you like her huh???


Yield and shape of the buds i really like so
Hopefully she’ll end well I’ll pick her around 10 weeks

The GDP is in a small octo pup and is a big very big girl
All branches are all bud at 28 inch spears

Thanks for the info

Also the nl looks interesting


@Jetdro , how the taste and hit from capjunky , is it just the yield that let’s it down ?

Don’t remember you doin a smoke report on that one
: )

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Hay @Jetdro
Fire as f at I got these from @Mr.greenbee
Check out those trichomes