Octopots big and small and assorted tomfoolery

Have you found you like Sativas? I had one that had no ceiling, you would never get anxiety, damn nice strain, Pandoras Box, had low potency but you would never know.


Hey @Gardenartus

How you been D ???

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Sounds great

I play with them on occasion

Still have a jar of oxacana it’s almost the same very little ceiling and a pleasant high


That cake and the cupcakes are completely off of the Richter Scale! I’ve never seen anything like that. Can you imagine if you were tripping and somebody walked in with a tray of those? :joy: I would want to just sit and stare at them, heh.

That is some really beautiful work! Seriously. Nice work girl! peace


Cool, is that available, oxacana? Pandoras was TGs so no available, another of his I would love is Ace of Spades, that one finishes in 6 weeks! I might have a new patient that likes sativa, I have one lol the rest are indicas, and a few CBDs.

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Doing not too bad, could not drive to this wedding, by the time we drove home would be icy roads, Holy moly I had to hustle this morning and find someone to pick this up and deliver, but by golly I found someone and think I made a new friend. I loaded her up, she saved my butt ha ha.

How you been? Enjoying retirement?


hahaha funny, Thank you I worked my butt of on this stuff. That is one Powerful cake!


I got it thou a see preservation run

But I’ve seed it avail

I have some if you’d like

They are 13/16 weeks unfortunately

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Holy, that is one long grow. Thank you very much, with that grow time I will pass. Dang I wish I could find seeds of Pandora, she was a 9 weeker.

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My Kellie is gone its a sad day

Well I know with everything going on in today’s world it’s a small thing . But I’ve had him with me since he was 3 months old and yesterday he turned 40 years old
He was fine all day and started breathing very heavy and never made it to the vet he died in my arms
I even got a kiss before he went
It only was a 1/2 hour that he showed signs of being sick ! All day he was fine , Eyes bright , good color , very active playful and as bitchie as usual no signs at all
He stumbled off his pitch and got himself back up but was not breathing well

I never thought I’d be so upset



That is really sad @Papalag sorry for your loss. That is a really long time to get to be with a pet, I’m sure you made the most of it.


@ix3u thank you my friend

As far as pets are concerned they have always been my babies

We where a pack , we where a flock and we where family


@Papalag My cat is only 3, and best case scenario, I’ll 15ish years with him. I’m already dreading it.

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sorry for your loss man! it´s always sad,when lossing a family member. sending best wishes to you and yor family!!!


Very sorry for your loss Paps. Our dog Sam passed recently, so I know how it feels.
At least you had 40 good years with him. :pray:


Sorry for your loss Paps.


Sorry for your loss Paps. 40 years is a long time with a pet. Lots of memories in that time. 5 dogs and a cat here. We are a pack and family.


Wow, paps, I sure am sorry. I’m not sure I know anyone who had a pet so long. prayers and vibes sent my friend. peace :frowning: :expressionless:


Sorry for your lose. :cry:


I’m sorry for your loss paps :anguished:
I’ll smoke a joint in his honor tinite

40 years, that is such a long time. I can’t even imagine